🚙Car wash🚙

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Authors Note: So in this one, it's when Luke, Hailey, and Zander are around 8 years old


Hailey, Zander, and Luke were sitting in the back of Zander's mom's car. They were at a gas station, all three kids in the car

"Your mom doesn't look too happy.." Luke said, looking out the car window at Shannon. Hailey and Zander also looked, and they could all see Shannon staring at the car in disapproval. "Wonder why.." Hailey said

Shannon returned back into the car, and started it back up. "Well kids," she said. All three kids looked up. "We're gonna have to go through a carwash."

Luke seemed excited by this. Hailey and Zander however, weren't that thrilled. "Why aren't you two more excited?" Luke smiled. "Well, we've never really been in a car wash before" Hailey said. "You've never been in one?!" Luke said

"Nope." Shannon said. "My car's always been pristine. But now because some stupid bird decided to sh-"

Shannon stopped herself short. She almost forgot there were kids, who weren't even ten, in the car with her

"....shifted. his way to my car, we have to go to one."

After a bit of driving, the car pulled up to a car wash. "You guys'll enjoy this" Luke smiled as Shannon paid for the short experience

"I'll take your word for it" Hailey giggled, and Zander just nodded

Once finished paying, Shannon put the windows up and locked them. Same with the doors, then began to drive in


Once inside, the kids all started to look around out the windows. Suddenly, water sprayed all over the windows. "Aaah...!!" Zander screamed with shock. "Woah!" Hailey said, also caught off guard. Luke just giggled

Next came soap, spraying all over the car. Hailey was in shock, and Luke seemed to be enjoying himself. Zander however, wasn't. He was pretty freaked out

"Wh-Why's it s-so l-loud...?!" he asked. Luke noticed Zander was upset and tried to scoot closer to him

More water splashed onto the car, followed by large duster looking things to dry it. Zander covered his ears, tears pouring from his eyes. Luke, who was panicking and trying to figure out how to fix this, used some quick thinking and went with his instincts, and kissed Zander on the cheek. Zander looked at the other boy, starting to cry a little less. "I-Its okay!" Luke said, trying to reassure his best friend while his hand was on his shoulder. "I-It'll be done soon!"

Zander nodded, leaning back in his seat while keeping his gaze on Luke, who was smiling and holding Zander's hand now. Air dryers began blowing really loud, making Zander began to shake again

"This is intense!" Hailey said. She was both shocked and amazed by the experience. "I told you you'd like it!" Luke smiled "I knew ya would!"

"I-I don't...!" Zander whined. Luke hugged Zander, watching out the window as the smaller boy leaned his head on his way friends shoulder. "Think about happy things...!" Luke suggested. "Like...uh...p-piano! Puppies! Pizza!"

'You...' Zander thought to himself


Once the car got out of the car wash, Shannon looked in the backseat. "You kids all doing okay back there?" she asked. "That was crazy!" Hailey giggled. Shannon just smiled at her. "How about you, boys?"

"T-Too loud..." Zander said. "I liked it" Luke smiled. "Well, I'm hoping to not need to go in another one of those things for a while" Shannon said. "Now, let's get ya home, Luke. How's that sound?"

Luke nodded. As they drove off, Zander leaned his head on Luke's shoulder again, and began to nod off. Luke just smiled and let him stay there, adoring the cuteness of his best friend who he wished would be his boyfriend soon. If that kiss in the car wash didn't mean anything....

Nah, it had to mean something. Zander wasn't mad about it, so it must've meant something


Authors Note: I thought of this while watching tiktok the other day, cause I saw someone go in a car wash with bright lights in the car wash 😆 It was amazing 😌 and it inspired me to come up with a small headcanon of that when Zander was little, he was terrified of car washes. But he passed that fear as he got older. Though he still doesn't like the loud noises. Not from fear, they just bother his ears

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