🎉2 years🎉

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And yes part of this is dialogue from EP 5, which I have attached with some Zander perspective of the event. Go subscribe to Rosy, she's absolutely amazing✨💙👍

Happy two years to Lander! This is my absolute favorite ship, aswell as my comfort ship🧡💜🧡💜🧡💜🍇🥜🍇🥜🍇🥜🥁🎹🥁🎹🥁🎹


Zander's POV

Luke had asked me to come over to his house after school, saying he had something important to tell me. I had a feeling I knew what it was. Or at least what I was hoping it was. Today was the 2 year anniversary of me and Luke becoming a couple. I still remember that day as if it just happened..


Zander's POV


"I don't like that girl, Zander! I like YOU!!"

I turned around, stopping my tears for a split moment as my eyes went wide. "Wh-What....?"

"Zander, I'm in love with you...I have been for a really long time...that song Hailey sang for me, I wrote it for you..."

My continued to stare, wide eyed. I've never heard an original song from Luke, and the first one I do hear, he...wrote it for me...?

"I-I thought...you only saw me as a childhood friend..." I said looking down. "You've always been more than that...!" Luke said "I wanted to tell you for so long, but recently...it seems like all I do is make you feel uncomfortable...I could never seem to find the right time, or the right way to tell you..."

Oh god, now I feel terrible...!! All this time I've been so scared and anxious to tell Luke how much I'm in love with him. I didn't wanna loose him. Meeting him is the best thing that's ever happened to me. All this time I've been terrified to tell him, but he just feels the same way! In love but ask scared...

"And I'm probably making you feel uncomfortable now..." he continued. I couldn't go on listening to my best friend be upset

"Y-YOU'RE WRONG!!" I cut his sentence short, not meaning to shout. Suddenly I started to cry. I didn't mean to, and I certainly didn't want to. But I did

"Y-You've never made me feel uncomfortable..! Wh-When you would get close, I was scared because I didn't want you to notice how I really felt about you...s-so I-I pushed you away...I wanted to protect our friendship...I...didn't wanna loose you..."

Luke stepped forward, smiling a bit. I could see he was also starting to cry a bit. "Zander, you'll NEVER loose me..." he said, continuing to step closer.

"I-Im not like Stacy, you know...!" I said "I-I'm...uptight...! And I'll probably call you names a lot...!"

Luke just chuckled a bit. "That's fine.." he said

"I'm stubborn, a little selfish at times, and I get jealous easily-"

And then it happened..he kissed me for the first time...

*End of flashback...*


Zander's POV

Before heading to Luke's, I asked if we could stop by my house to which he said yes . We got to the house, and I stopped him before we headed inside. "You need to stay in here for a minute." I said. He nodded. "Alright, hun" he smiled. Okay, I admit, I may of left his present at my house. But hey, at least I didn't forget all together! I'm not that kind of guy. Thankfully it's not that cold out today. But I still don't wanna be too long inside getting his present. After about 5 minutes inside, I headed back out with a different bag in hand. "Sorry, didn't mean to take so long..." I said. "No no, it's okay! Don't worry!" Luke said "I have all the time in the world!" I smiled as the two of us headed off to his place

Lander oneshots (Luke x Zander) (The music freaks)Where stories live. Discover now