💦Breaking up is hard to do💦

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No one's POV

Luke and Zander had been fighting a lot lately. They both deeply hated it. However, Luke thought he had thought of a way to fix it. He was standing outside Zander's house, anxiously deciding if he wanted to go through with this plan for not

His hand was balled up, prepared to knock on the door but inches away from it as his body shook. "C-Come on, L-Luke..." he said to himself, tears starting to fill up in his light butterscotch coloured eyes. "J-Just k-knock on the d-door...g-get it o-over w-with...."

A few more minutes passed and right when Luke was about to knock, the door actually opened and Zander was standing there. It caught Luke by surprise, and he jolted back

"Uh...hey Luke, what's up?"

Luke took a deep breath then said "...zan, I think we need to talk..."

Zander started to feel shaky. God, please let this not be what he thought it was gonna be..

"Uh...okay, what is it..? Do you..wanna come inside..?"

Luke shook his head no, then said the seven words he never thought he'd say in a million years

"...Zander, I think we should break up..."

Zander felt as if his heart had been shattered to pieces. This was not happening

"Wh-What...? L-Luke, you can't be serious..! This has to be a joke...!"

"I-I'm sorry, Zander, but it's no joke..." Luke said as he began crying too. "We've been fighting for forever and clearly things aren't gonna mend themselves, so...we just need some time apart..."

Tears started to pour from Zander's eyes

"W-Will we ever get back together....?!" he asked, panic in his shaking voice. Luke hesitated before giving a slight shrug with a sad sounding "I don't know.."

"I-I can ch-change...!" Zander said, unable to stop crying. "I-I can stop causing fights...!"

"Zander, please...! I don't wanna hear this...!" Luke said "this is hard enough as it is...!"

Zander looked down. If it was so hard for Luke to handle, why was he deciding it in the first place?!

"What brought you to this decision...?!" he asked. Luke sighed. He really didn't want to continue dealing with this

"Zander, you know why..." he said "we've just been fighting so much lately, and it's not good for either of us...it's stressful..."

Zander looked down as he tried to hold back anymore tears he had left. "...will we still be friends...?" he asked

"Y-Yeah, sure...." Luke said. Zander didn't respond to that and just continued to look down. Both of them were glad to stay friends, but they knew it would be hard after having broken up

"I...guess I'll be leaving now..." Luke sighed. Zander gave a slight nod

Nothing else was said. Luke turned and walked away, leaving Zander in the doorway crying uncontrollably


Zander closed the door, and slid down against it to the floor. Hailey entered, looking concerned


Zander looked up at his sister, stopping his sobs

"Are you okay...?" his sister asked as she walked over. She got down next to Zander as he pulled his knees up to his chest, wrapped his arms around himself, burried his face in his arms, and started sobbing again

"L-Luke and I just b-broke up..." he squeaked out

Hailey's eyes went wide before she pulled Zander into a hug

"Zander, I'm so sorry..."

"It's my fault....!!" Zander yelled out "I was always angry or frustrated about something when I was around him...!!"

"Zander, that is not true....!!" Hailey responded. She moved out of the hug, and held onto her brothers shoulders as he stared at her with bloodshot, tear filled eyes. "What do you mean...?" he asked "I-It h-has to be..."

Hailey shook her head no. "Zander, Luke could've handled this another way...he could've just calmly talked to you..."

Zander stared in confusion a bit

"I'm not saying this is Luke's fault..." Hailey continued "no one is at fault...just give things some time, okay...? Something might happen that will change Luke's mind..."

Zander hesitated before nodding. Hailey got up, then held out her hand. Zander took Hailey's hand, and she helped him up

"Wanna go lay in your room for a bit...? Have some alone time...?" Hailey asked "you can just read, or play your piano, or something..."

Zander nodded, wiping his eyes with his sleeve

"Thanks, Hailey..." he said. He gave a small, sad smile. Hailey smiled back. "It's not a problem at all..." she said


Zander got up to his room, and closed the door behind him. He let out a shaky sigh as he went and sat on his bed. He looked at his side table, the first thing catching his attention being a strand of photos of him and Luke from a photo booth. One of the photos was them mid kiss

He looked down after seeing the photos. But not before flipping the strand over. He didn't wanna think about Luke right now. It was just hurting him

Even though Zander knew with time things would get better, he also knew it would be one of the worst amounts of time in his life

Authors Note: I'm sorry for this angst-

Lander oneshots (Luke x Zander) (The music freaks)Where stories live. Discover now