🌆Nightmares PT2🌆

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TW: Mentions of a car crash, blood, and death


No one's POV

Luke woke up suddenly in the middle of the night, in a cold sweat with tears in his eyes, and shaking. His head was hurting a bit too. And his stomach. Man, he'd had nightmares before, but none this bad...

He looks next to him at Zander who was asleep in bed beside him. Zander was sleeping over and despite wanting to talk to Zander about how upset he was, he didn't wanna be a bad host and wake his boyfriend up in the middle of the night. Luke took his phone from his bedside table and looked at the time. 3:00 in the morning

Luke's head and stomach pains started to slowly decrease. But he was still shaking uncontrollably and sweating, and was almost in tears. Luke laid back down and covered his mouth with his sleeve. He decided to close his eyes, and try to go back to sleep


About 15 minutes later, Luke woke up again from another nightmare. He couldn't tell if this one was worse than the last one, or just the same

This time he definitely needed to talk to Zander. He felt really bad about it, but he couldn't just sit there scared. He adjusted himself into his side, facing his boyfriend

"Zander....?" he said. Zander flinched a little bit in his sleep before slowly waking up, rolling onto his other side to face look, and look at him sleepily

"What.....?" he said. He was half asleep so his words were a bit slurred. He rubbed his head sleepily as he started to open his eyes a bit more. Once his eyes were open, he quickly became concerned, as he saw his boyfriend sitting next to him almost in tears

"Luke, what....what's wrong...?" he asked sitting up. Luke looked at Zander as tears started to slowly flow from his eyes

"...didja have a nightmare...?" Zander asked. Luke didn't speak. He just nodded. His pillow was in his arms, and he was stuffing his face into it. Zander put his arm on Luke's back, then pulled him into a hug. As soon as he did, Luke began to break down into tears


Luke didn't speak, he just kept crying as he held on tightly to Zander. Zander was taken aback by this, but after a few seconds he put his arms around Luke and rubbed his back gently

"Luke...Luke, it's okay...ssh..don't cry,.I'm here..."

Luke began to settle his breathing a bit after a few seconds of being in Zander's embrace. Once he was calm, he seperated from his boyfriend's hug and looked down. "Are you okay now...?" Zander asked. He held Luke's face in his hands, making Luke look up. Luke gave a small shrug. There were still a few tears falling from his eyes

"Do you wanna talk to me about what happened...?" Zander asked. Luke thought for a moment, then nodded. "Okay, I'm listening..." Zander said as he moved his hands to hold Luke's

"I-I..." Luke started. Zander held his hands tighter, trying to let Luke know he wouldn't get scared to hear about his boyfriend's nightmare, and also try to give him a bit of strength to get the words out

"...I-I was at home...a-and I heard a noise outside...i-it was a loud c-crash n-noise...wh-when I-I looked out the window, I-I saw a car had crashed into a fire hydrant, a-and a-another car crashed into that one..."

Zander nodded in understanding, making sure Luke knew he was really listening as Luke continued retelling his terrifying nightmare experience

"Wh-When I ran out, I-I.....I...."

Luke looked down as tears started to form in his eyes again. Zander put a hand on his shoulder. "it's okay, take your time..." he said softly. Luke waited about two minutes before gaining enough self confidence to continue

"I-I saw...in the f-first car, th-the one that had h-hit the hydrant....I-I saw y-you...."

Zander's eyes went a bid wide

"Y-You...you were leaning forward unc-consious, and....y-your head was...a-against the wheel...y-you had...s-so much blood running from your f-forehead..."

Zander's eyes got wider. Luke covered his mouth with his sleeve covered hand as he started to cry. Zander pulled Luke into a hug again. "Luke, it's okay, it's over now..." he said "I'm okay, I promise...it was just a stupid little nightmare..."

Luke nodded. He tried to stop crying but just couldn't. Zander held Luke's face, then kissed his forehead. Luke calmed down a bit more after that. "Lay down, darling..." he said softly. Luke blushed, then nodded before laying down in his spot on his side of the bed. Zander laid beside him. "You wanna be close to me while you sleep...?" Zander asked. Luke hesitated before nodding, then got closer to Zander, who put his arms around Luke

"I love you, Luke.." Zander smiled. Luke smiled a bit. "I love you too, Zan..." he said before falling back asleep

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