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No one's POV

Luke and Zander were hanging out at Luke's house, sitting on the couch together watching tv. Luke had his arm around Zander, who was asleep with his head laying on Luke's shoulder. Luke felt his phone buzz in his jacket pocket. He took it out, and saw a notification for a weather alert

"That can't be good..." he sighed quietly as he unlocked his phone and tapped the notification to open it. It read;

"WEATHER ADVISORY: Heavy rain and scattered thunderstorms expected around 4:50. Temperature is currently 11°, feels like 6°."

Luke was relieved to see it wasn't anything too serious. He put his phone down on the couch next to him. At that moment, Zander started to wake up next to him

"What's going on...?" Zander asked

"Oh, nothing to worry about..!" Luke smiled at Zander "Just a weather alert.."

"About what..?"

"Just about some incoming storms.."

Luke looked at the time on his phone. 4:45

Luke then looked out the window. The sky was full of dark clouds

"Is it gonna....be real bad...?" Zander asked as he also looked out the window

"I...don't know.." Luke said "but it'll be okay..!"

Zander hesitated before nodding, then Luke got up. "I'm gonna go refill my drink. You want anything from the kitchen?" he asked. Zander shook his head no

"Okay" Luke said before leaving. Shortly after getting into the kitchen though, while Luke was refilling his cup of ice water, he heard something that made him flinch a little



Luke flinched a bit at the sudden noise from outside. When he looked out the window, he saw it was starting to rain. Hard


More thunder rumbled outside as lightning struck somewhere outside. Following that noise, Luke could hear a quiet, fearful squeak from the living room. It sounded like Zander

"Zander? Are you okay in there?" he called, but got no response

Luke quickly went back to the living room. When he got back, he saw Zander curled up on the couch, hugging a pillow tight to his chest while shaking. Luke quickly put his cup back on the coffee table, and sat next to Zander


Before Luke could finish, there was a bright flash from lightning striking again outside. Zander yelped in fear again as it started to pour harder. Luke gently pulled Zander close and hugged him

"It's okay, baby..." he said "It's just bad weather..."

More thunder rumbled, and Zander put his arms around Luke, squeezing him tight. Suddenly the lights in the house starting flickering a bit. Zander hid his face in Luke's shoulder

"Are the lights gonna go out......?" Zander asked. He was terrified of both thunderstorms, and the dark. So being in a thunderstorm in the dark would be especially scary for him

"If they do, I have two camping lanterns upstairs in my room..." Luke said as he hugged Zander


A few more minutes passed and the rain started to not come down as quick. Luke looked outside, then back at Zander

"Guess it's clearing up a bit..." he said

Zander nodded a bit, not letting go of Luke

All of a sudden, the lights flickered again. This time though, they flickered right off. Zander screamed, then started to cry a bit

"Z-Zander, it's okay...! It's okay, I promise..." Luke said. He grabbed his phone and turned the flashlight on, placing the phone close to him and Zander. Zander looked up, tears in his eyes still

"See...? It's alright..." Luke said "Now, I'm gonna go upstairs and get the lanterns from my room..."

"I-I wanna go with you...!" Zander said. Luke smiled and nodded, then stood up. As Zander got up with him, he was still holding his arm

"I'm not gonna let go..." Zander said. "Fine by me.." Luke responded. He picked up his phone and held it out in front of them so they could see, then the two of them headed upstairs


Luke's room was pitch black. The window showing the cloudy skies outside was covered by the curtains

Luke and Zander were standing in the door way

"I don't wanna go in..." Zander said. "That's fine..!" Luke said, before handing Zander his phone, the flashlight still on

"I'll go in...I know where they are...can you stay here and hold the phone so the flashlight is pointing into the room..?"

Zander hesitated before nodding, and holding the light towards the room. Luke walked in, seeing his lanterns on his bedside table. Zander stayed standing in the doorway, shaking like crazy, flinching every time thunder rumbled or lightning struck outside

Luke got the lanterns from his bedside table, then went back to Zander. Zander immediately grabbed Luke's arm when he got back to the door, then the two of them headed back downstairs


Luke placed one lantern on the coffee table in front of the couch, and the other in the kitchen. He also had his phone flashlight on still, next to the lantern that was on the coffee table

"I-Isn't your ph-phone gonna die...?" Zander asked. He was sitting next to Luke on the couch, still clinging to him

"I have it on battery saver..." Luke said "and we'll have the lanterns still...if they die out, there are plenty of extra batteries in the cabinet under the TV..."

Zander nodded and layed his head on Luke's shoulder

"You feeling any better...?" Luke asked

Zander shook his head no a bit. "I'm scared..." he said "really scared..."

Luke pulled Zander into a hug, and patted his head

"It's gonna be fine, okay...?" he said "it'll be over soon..."

Zander hesitated before nodding. His shaking stopped, and his heartbeat slowed to it's normal speed

"You feel better...?" Luke asked. Zander nodded in response

"I love you, Luke..." he said

"I love you too, Zander..." Luke smiled

Lander oneshots (Luke x Zander) (The music freaks)Where stories live. Discover now