Chapter 54

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"I'm so excited!" I exclaimed once I finished some stretches.

We were all gathered at Field Gamma, waiting for Class B to show up for our joint training class, we weren't entirely sure what we'd be doing, apart from knowing each class would go against each other, but everyone was brimming with anticipation and excitement.

We were also testing out the winter versions of our hero costumes due to the weather being much colder than at the beginning of the year. My outfit didn't change too much, the shorts were a little longer and the jacket how had a small heating pad that kept me from being too cold but didn't allow me to overheat. Also a clip was added to my belt for my helmet when I wasn't wearing it.

"Hey, hey..." A familiar voice called as footsteps were heard in the distance. "You all look so relaxed, are you underestimating us?"

"You're here. We've been excited!" Kirishima replied with a grin as the class walked closer.

"Huh, really? Well too bad, the wave is definitely on our side." Monoma replied as they got closer before he struck a pose, everyone else in the class shaking their heads at his antics. "Come on Class A! Let's settle this once and for all today!"

I saw Shinso hanging in the back awkwardly and sent him a wave, starting to walk over to him.

"Hey, hey! Look at this survey! I took it at the school festival! I asked which people liked better, Class A's concert or Class B's super high-quality play! Can you see it! We won by two votes!" Monoma announced, waving a piece of paper around.

"Give me that!" Kirishima said, grabbing the paper and looking at it with Sero and Jiro while Monoma taunted them in the background.

"How do you guys deal with him?" I asked Shinso.

"Usually Kendo does." He replied, nodding his head towards said girl as she walked over to Monoma, only for him to be cut off by Mr Aizawa's scarf.

"Be quiet." He said.

"Anyway, as you all know, each class will be versing each other in combat training!" Vlad King announced. "It will be a battle between Class A and Class B. It'll take place here in a corner of Field Gamma! Each class will make teams of four and each team will compete one at a time."

I frowned, in total there were 42 people, we weren't able to make even teams of 4 for each class.

"However there is an exception with both classes." Vlad King started. "Those are Hitoshi Shinso and (Y/n) Izumi."

I gulped a little and glanced at the floor as I felt everyone's gazes on both Shinso and I.

"While they have both transferred into the courses, they have had less training than all of you. They will both participate twice, once in a class A team, once in a class B team. In other words, four out of the five rounds will be a 5 vs 4."

"What? The 4 person team would be at a disadvantage!" Mina pointed out.

"It's probably more of a disadvantage to have less experienced Shinso or (Y/n) to the team." Vlad replied.

"Okay, ouch." I muttered. I wasn't that bad in combat...

"The 5 person teams will have an advantage with numbers, but they'll also have a handicap." Vlad explained.

I wonder what the handicap would be...

"The situation for this training will be heroes acting to surround a villain group and capture them. Think of the other team as villains! You'll win once you capture four people!"

"They do say that villains are organising too..." A girl from class B mumbled.

"It's nice and simple!" Tetsutetsu exclaimed.

Iida looked conflicted...or seemed like he was in his hero costume. "We're heroes, but we're villains to the opposing team?! Which one should I be then?!"

"It should be fine to be a hero!" Momo replied.

"In each team's base camp, there is a super cute prison." Vlad started, showing up a picture of a jail cell with Principal Nezu on it. "Once you imprison your opponents, that will count as a capture."

"How are we supposed to take that seriously?!" Someone whispered, too loudly.

"It would be the most efficient to render them unable to fight near the camp." Someone else pointed out. "But I don't think it'll be that easy..."

"'Once you capture four people'...Is that the handicap?" Bakugo asked.

"Yeah, having a less experienced member of the team and having the 5-person teams lose if four people are taken." Mr Aizawa explained.

"So you're telling us to fight with a piece of excess luggage, huh? That's crap."

I sighed and shook my head.

"These two may be less experienced than all of you, however I wouldn't underestimate them too much." Vlad pointed out, clapping a hand on both Shinso and I's shoulders. "Remember, they both have gotten their pro-hero licenses."

There were a few mumbles, most of class A was looking at Shinso though, probably because most of them already know I was decent (hopefully) in a fight.

"Alright now, time to draw lots, except for Shinso and (Y/n)." Mr Aizawa said as he and Vlad King picked up boxes.

Each class lined up behind their respective box and pulled out a numbered ball before getting into their teams.

Each team were as follows:

Round 1: Tsu, Kirishima, Koda and Kaminari vs Shiozaki, Tsuburaba, Rin and Shishida.

Round 2: Aoyama, Momo, Hagakure and Tokoyami vs Kendo, Manga, Kuroiro and Komori.

Round 3: Bakugo, Sero, Jiro and Sato vs Awase, Tokage, Bondo and Kamakiri.

Round 4: Shoto, Iida, Ojiro and Shoji vs Tetsutetsu, Honenuki, Tsunotori and Kaibara.

Round 5: Midoriya, Uraraka, Ashido and Mineta vs Monoma, Kodai, Shoda and Yanagi.

"Shinso, (Y/n) your turns."

"You go first." I offered, allowing him to step forwards and choose which teams he would be on.

I was hoping there would be a chance for us to fight each other, a sort of rematch since the Sports Festival since I let him win, but there was the chance that wouldn't happen.

"You'll be put on the team whose number you draw."

He put his hands into both boxes and pulled them out, revealing a red ball with a 1 and a blue ball with a 5.

I then stepped forwards and did the same, pulling out a red ball with a 2 and a blue ball with a 4.
'This is going to be interesting...' I thought before realising who I'd be going against in round 4.

"Well, things are going to be interesting huh?" I asked Shoto as the first 2 teams headed out to their base camps. "Especially since we're going to be going against each other."

"Yeah, I'm excited to see what will happen." He agreed as we settled down to watch the first match, learning that each round will last 20 minutes.

Both All Might and Midnight arrived to watch the matches, both of them wanting to see who would win between the classes.

"All right, first match...start!" Vlad announced before the sirens went off, signalling the start of the first round.

Word count: 1205 words

Do I Want To Be A Hero? (Shoto Todoroki x Male!reader)Where stories live. Discover now