Chapter 21

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"You're in the hospital?! Why?" I asked in alarm.

"...I had gotten attacked by the Hero Killer, for protecting Iida and Midoriya." Shoto replied.

"What?! They're with you too!?" I yelled in alarm, but went quiet as I got a look from Yawara as he walked past.

"Yeah." Shoto replied.

"Stay right there, I'm coming to the hospital to make sure you're alright." I said, standing up and about to look for Shino.

"No, it's too late to be here, visiting hours are closed. You can come tomorrow." Shoto said.

I sighed and looked at the time, nodding my head. "Yeah, I guess you're right." I admitted. "But I'm visiting you first thing after school."

"Alright with me." Shoto replied, before I heard some speaking in the background. "I gotta go, the doctors have to do some stuff."

"Ok, see you tomorrow and hope you get better soon." I said before hearing the click of the phone hanging up.

I put my phone down, though worry was eating at my stomach, why would the hero killer go for a few students?


The day at school was going past so slowly, I just wanted for the day to be done to be able to visit the three at the hospital.

It was weird that they were attacked by the hero killer, but now he's in custody, having being caught by pro heroes.

"(Y/n)." Present Mic's voice said, breaking me away from my thoughts. "Eyes on your work."

"Oh, sorry." I replied, looking back down to the English work we were working on.


Finally the school day was over. I quickly said goodbye to Shinso and Kamoku before catching the train up to Hosu City.

I arrived there and made my way towards the General Hospital, where Shoto said he was.

"Hello, I'm here to see Izuku Midoriya, Tenya Iida and Shoto Todoroki." I said to the receptionist.

"Ah, yes, they're here but currently getting checked by the doctors, would you be able to wait for a few minutes?" The receptionist asked.

I nodded my head and sat down at a couch, tapping my feet lightly on the ground.

A few minutes passed before the receptionist beckoned me over.

"You can go, they're in room 106 on the fourth floor." The receptionist said.

"Room 106. Thank you!" I said before turning and walking towards the elevator.

I hopped in and went up to the fourth floor and got out, but paused at how long the corridor was.

'Ok, room 106. That shouldn't be too hard to find...' I thought to myself, starting to walk down the corridor.

After a couple of minutes I found the room and heard laughter from behind the door.

"I didn't know you could make jokes!" I heard Midoriya's voice say.

"No, I'm not joking." Shoto's voice said. "I'm like the 'hand crusher' or something." Which just made the laughter louder.

I smiled to myself and knocked on the door, hearing the laughter quiet down and a 'come in' being heard.

I slowly slid open the door and poked my head inside.

"(Y/n)?" Midoriya and Iida both asked in confusion.

"Uhh, Shoto said you three were in hospital, so I decided to come visit." I said awkwardly.

Do I Want To Be A Hero? (Shoto Todoroki x Male!reader)Where stories live. Discover now