Chapter 28

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We hid behind a thick tree as dark shadow and Tokoyami slowly went by in it's hugeness.
"What's going on, Shoji?" Midoriya asked.
"Quiet." Shoji shushed. "After Mandalay's Telepath about the villain attack telling us not to engage, we went on alert immediately. Right after that, we were attacked by a villain."

I gulped, listening intently.
"I covered Tokoyami I, hiding in the foliage even as my arm got cut off. Even though it's not a shallow cut, it's not like I've lost it forever. My Dupli-arms can even duplicate my duplicated organs, and what was cut off was a duplicate."

I sighed in relief softly.

"But I guess he couldn't even stand that. The quirk he had been holding back started getting out of control..." Shoji explained before Dark Shadow let out a roar.
I looked at the two, confused, I only knew that Tokoyami's quirk was having another entity he can control, but any weaknesses or withdrawals I was unclear about.

"In deep darkness, he can't control it...I didn't realise his quirk was so peaky..." Midoriya mumbled, looking up to where Dark Shadow was.
Now it was starting to make sense, it was easier to control in daylight, and since there was barely any light where we were, it got out of control.

"It was probably his emotions, like righteous indignation and regret, that made it even more wild. He kept trying to hold it back, but..." Shoji added, stepping on a twig.
Dark Shadow came towards us, Shoji pushing me down out of the way along with himself and Midoriya.
"It reacted to any movement or sound, turning into a monster that was just lashing out with attacks indiscriminately." He concluded as Dark Shadow broke through a tree.

"Forget...about me..." Tokoyami forced out. "Find the others....and help them! Calm down, Dark Shadow!"
I shook my head, he needed help and I knew that he wasn't going to get Dark Shadow to calm down any time soon.

"Dark Shadow's weakness is light. If we lead it to the fire or back to camp, it should calm down." Shoji muttered as we stood up, hiding behind the tree again. "Midoriya, (Y/n), no matter the circumstances, I don't want to become a person who leaves a suffering friend behind."

I nodded, already knowing he was the kind of person to say something like that.
"You forced that body to get you here because you were worried about Bakugo, right? If you think you can still move..I'll draw Dark Shadow away and open up a path for you." Shoji explained to the both of us, but mainly directed it towards Midoriya.

"'s pretty far to either camp or the fire, right (Y/n)?" Midoriya asked, turning his head slightly to face me.
I looked around and got my bearings, thanks Mr Aizawa, and nodded.
"Yeah, it's pretty far out here, the forest is huge." I said.

"So, you'll be in dange-" Midoriya started before Dark Shadow saw us and went to attack.
I didn't have time to activate my quirk, so I somehow fell backwards onto the ground to avoid the attack as Shoji bent down and began to run.

'Wait!' I cried, scrambling up and chasing after the two, before seeing a hand extended towards me.

I grabbed it and was pulled forwards quickly to where Midoriya and Shoji were, making me run as fast as I could go while holding onto the hand to not let go.
We stopped and hid behind another tree before Shoji spoke again.
"Will you stay with me and help Tokoyami, or will you rush to where Bakugo is..?" Shoji asked. "Which will you choose?"

"I'll help." I said, before looking to Midoriya, deep in thought for a moment before speaking again.
"Sorry, Shoji, I'm not leaving you." Midoriya said. "But I'm not going to leave you."
I looked at him with a confused look before he started to speak.

"I want to keep going, but I have an idea." He said.
"What is it then?" I asked.
"If it'll react to just sound, then make duplicates of your arms Shoji to use as bait, and make it follow without attacking us." Midoriya explained. "(Y/n) you can scout ahead to find where Kacchan is and we'll lead it towards him. He can calm Dark Shadow down with an explosion. If I had to choose one or the other, I want to save both of them!"

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