Chapter 1

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~Narrator's POV~

It was a dark and chilly night. Lights were spewing out into the sky with stars burning bright, and a family of three was just now leaving the carnival to go back home. There was a mother, Father, and a baby boy. "I didn't know they made glowing cotton candy." The father said, his name was Dabi. His quirk is cremation, it allows him to create blue fire anywhere around his body. But the consequence was for his body to be probably 75% burnt.
"Well sweetheart, you should have gotten some when I told you to." The mother said, his name is Tomura Shigaraki. He is the leader of the LOV before they put their organization on hold for a good while to live normal lives, also LOV is a short name for the League Of Villains. His quirk is decay, but now his greatest power is All For One. The power to take and give quirks.
He's a bit muscular and has white long hair that stops at his shoulders.

Dabi met Tomura when he joined a little group of villains, that's also how he met his new friends/family, Twice, Mr Compress, Toga, and Kurogiri... Also Bruce.
They didn't like each other at first but they've grown to love each other deeply. They loved each other so much that they decided to get married a few years later.

After that, Dabi wanted a baby so they decided to do it and Tomura successfully got pregnant, 9 months later Tomura birthed a gorgeous baby boy, and they named him Nero... But something was off with Nero. The nurses were very shaken along with the doctors. They didn't tell what was wrong with Nero nor did Tomura or Dabi know something was wrong.

The doctors ran some tests and found something unusual, they gave Nero back to Tomura and Dabi without saying a word. To this day, the two parents still don't know. They love their son endlessly. He's 1 year old and has black hair mostly, but some red in the front of his hair, and has white tips as well.

"I didn't want any at the time, now give me some!" Dabi demanded. "No mother fucker! I told you to get some! But did ya listen!? No!" Tomura said, he took a piece of his cotton candy and ate it in front of Dabi's face, just to rub it in. Dabi rolled his eyes in annoyance, "your petty and selfish as fuck" Dabi said. "And it's gonna stay like that too" Tomura giggled.

Dabi ignored Tomura's childish ass and paid attention to his son Nero, which he was holding. Nero was pulling and playing with his father's shirt, and sucking on his pacifier. Dabi smiled as he watched his son be so adorable. "Oh, what do you want to eat when we get home?" Tomura asked, staring deep at his cotton candy as he ate it. "Hmm, how about... I don't fucking know" Dabi said.

"Alright, I'll just cook what I can find..." Tomura said they kept walking and walking until something came to Dabi's mind. "Ya know, I still can't get over how you threw up on that ride" He chuckled. "Shut the fuck up before I choke the shit out of you" Tomura threatened, he already knew where this was going.

"I think it was fucking hilarious" Dabi continued. "And I think you need to shut the f-" Tomura said, he got cut off from Dabi putting his finger on his lips. "Uh... Is something wrong?" Tomura whispered. "I heard something," Dabi said. "Something probably fell" Tomura suggested.
"Let's just keep walking".

They kept walking in the night but then stopped once Dabi heard another noise, but this time, it was followed up by a voice in the distance. "Okay you are doing that shit on purpose!" a voice whispered, Dabi looked at Tomura, then Tomura looked at Dabi. Nero started making cooing noises while drooling on Dabi's shirt on purpose just to get a reaction.
Dabi looked down at Nero with a disgusted expression on his face, "Do you really have to drool on my favorite shirt? I mean, do you REALLY! Have to!?" Dabi said, Nero looked up at his father and then looked at his mother, who was secretly laughing.

Nero knew his mother was laughing so he started smiling while he giggled, still watching his mother laugh. Dabi turned to Tomura and turned right back to Nero, "you a nasty little fuck you know that?" he said, squishing Nero's big cheeks. Nero was still laughing. Until then, another noise caught their attention including Nero as he looked out to wherever he thought it came from.
"STOP KNOCKING OVER THOSE TRASH CANS YOU BASTARD!" a voice yelled, "but it's fun," another voice said, in a whimpering tone. "Guys, I don't think you realize you blowing our mission right now but let's just go ahead and reveal ourselves," another voice said. That voice came out from the shadows, along with 5 other heroes.

"Are you fucking kidding me right now?" Tomura said calmly but pissed, "Nope, it took us a while to find the league of villains, but we couldn't find no trace of any of them but you 2" Shinsou spoke.
"Well yeah, they moved away from Musutafu to start their own lives," Dabi said.

"Well, that's unfortunate," Deku thought. "Well, why didn't you 2 do the same?" Denki asked. "Didn't feel like moving" Tomura answered, glaring at every single one of them. "To be honest, we would love to whoop some ass, but we can't right now so we'll be on our way home," Dabi said, he began pushing Tomura in the other direction. While they walked, they stopped and jumped back as a big wall of ice covered their only chance to escape.

"Now... Why can't you Touya?" Shoto asked, Dabi turned to Shoto and glared deep into his eyes. "Do you or do you not see this fucking baby in my arms!?" Dabi said, Tomura knew he was getting angry so he slowly grabbed Nero out of his arms, but that didn't make Dabi take his eyes off of Shoto. "Wait!? So... You two are... Married!?" Kirishima asked. "what's with all the damn questions! Yes, mother fucker what the fuck does it look like!?" Tomura yelled, holding his hand up and exposing his ring along with Dabi.

"STOP GETTING OF TOPIC SO WE CAN BLAST THESE FUCKERS TO HELL!" Bakugou yelled, "WAIT!" Deku yelled he looked at Nero for a split minute, and then he looked at his parents.
"Okay, this is what's gonna happen, we will take your baby and put you 2 in jail," Deku said. "Uhhh, I don't think I'm comfortable with that idea, I mean if we have to go to jail then fine but you are not taking our baby," Tomura said, holding Nero closer to his chest.

"Well, we don't want to use our quirks because that might hurt the baby, so..." Deku said, "we'll have to take him forcefully and ju-" He said, he got cut off by the sounds of Tomura and Dabi being tased. Deku ran and grabbed Nero quickly out of Tomura's arms and watched Tomura get tased to the ground, along with Dabi.

They were both out cold, and Nero did not know what the fuck was going on. "We will take them to our school prison that we just installed," Deku said, the cops nodded and took off in their cars.
Deku walked back to his team with Nero, "So I didn't think this was gonna be successful, but what are we gonna do with him?" Deku asked.

They all stood in silence as they thought it out, until then, Denki spoke. "2 words, adoption center" he said, everyone thought it out and looked back at Denki.
"That's kinda wrong, don't you think?" Shoto said. "Well, that's all I got then," Denki said, rolling his eyes and crossing his arms.
There was silence again. But this time, Kirishima cracked an idea. "Guys! I have an idea!" he said.

"What is it?" Shinsou asked. "Shoto, you said Dabi- uh, well, Touya is your brother right?" Kirishima asked. "Yea?" Shoto said he was confused about where Kirishima was going with this little idea. But then he realized that the baby was his nephew.
"Stop, I already know what you are gonna say, and I think that it is manageable," he said.

"So, we have two kids at our house now" Deku laughed. "I guess so," Shoto said with a smile.

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