Chapter 13

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🧿Narrator's POV🧿

Every hero training class was outside training and giving it their all to become fantastic heroes. Most of the kids were testing out new moves to their quirks and only a few were working on their physical strength.
Riku, Itsuki, Haru, Akio, and Henta chose to go to an installed school gym. Riku was peacefully walking on a treadmill and listening to music, Itsuki was doing his daily push-ups, Akio was punching the shit out of a punching bag to get his anger out while Henta was holding the punching bag in place with one hand and using her other hand to talk to her uncle. And Haru was on a pull-up bar, not to work out but just to hang there.

At some point in punching, Akio was thinking of his classmates and how they irritated him, but then he thought of Aimi. He can't stand Aimi. His punching became harder and faster the more he swung, Henta noticed and put her phone back in her pocket to hold the bag in place. "You good up there?" she asked, poking her head around the bag.
Akio stopped to take a breather, "I would say I'm fine but I'd be lying. I'm so fucking sick and tired of the class we're in. And I'm on my last straw with Aimi!" Akio stomped his way off to grab a bottle of water. He snatched one out of a nearby cooler and started chugging.
"Woah slow down. Thirsty bastard." Henta laughed. Akio continued to chug the water while squeezing the bottle down to make him chug it faster, once he was done he threw it somewhere random but it ended up hitting Itsuki in the head.

"Now what the fuck is wrong with you?!" Itsuki glared at Akio while rubbing his head. "I'm sorry it's just... I'm just pissed at everyone!" Akio sat down with his arms crossed and huffed out in anger.
Itsuki sat beside him, "let me guess, is it because of your dad or Aimi?" he asked. "Both! And the bitch ass mother fuckers in the class me, Henta, and Haru are in!" Akio answered annoyed, "What did the people in your class do?" Itsuki asked curiously grabbing an ice-cold bottle of water.
Instead of Akio answering, Henta walked up after getting off the phone with her uncle. "The people in our class like to laugh and talk bullshit when we get called up to the office." she sat down next to Akio and got back on her phone but still paid enough attention to conversate with Itsuki and Akio.

"Well me and Riku's class do the same but they don't laugh, at least I don't hear them laugh." Itsuki continued after Henta, "It's like people think we're the bad kids! I don't know why." Akio said.
"I mean, we don't do anything! Do we?" Akio turned to Henta for confirmation. "We kinda do. But not to where we get caught." Henta answered.

"Is it because we all are a bad influence on each other?" Itsuki wondered, "I guess so, shit, look at Haru." Henta pointed out.
They looked at Haru, who was still hangin' from the pull-up bar. "Haru isn't bad, he's just goofy," Itsuki said. Both Henta and Akio agreed.
"What about Riku?" Henta asked. They looked at Riku next, and then Akio thought to himself, "Is Riku a bad influence?"
"No, he's not. Just because he has piercings, maybe stole some stuff, plans on getting tattoos-" Itsuki went on about Riku until he was interrupted by Akio almost yelling in shock. "Plan on getting tattoos?!".
"Not now! Some other time but yes he's getting tattoos." Itsuki said.

"That's not fair, I want a tattoo," Henta complained.

They all focused back on Riku, he was still walking on the treadmill with his phone in his pocket and air pods in his ears. They all wondered together, "Is Riku a bad influence?"

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