Chapter 16

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📝Narrator's POV📝

I was now standing in front of the silver door with a whole bunch of locks that seemed very unnecessary, I looked at the keys that were hanging on a circle hoop in my hand.
I never thought I could get this far but I did, I wasted no time and started unlocking every single damn lock that shouldn't have taken me 3 to 4 minutes to do.
And mind me askin', why the fuck do they even have a villain cell in the school? For show? The villains are in there for show like it's a damn museum for sure.

I opened the door and walked in, I shut the door behind me so they wouldn't be too suspicious to see the door just wide open.
The hallway was really dark but the high-tech cells made it less bleak, and I was able to see but I still turned on my flashlight because I forbid myself to fall in this bitch.
As I walked I looked at the cells that were empty the last time I saw them, they had some new villains, none that I'd seen before or paid much attention to.

When they saw me walking past their cell they either glared at me, stared at me like they had never seen a kid before, or licking the glass keeping them away from me. Nasty bastards. I came across another cell, the villain was slowly walking back in forth with his hands in his pockets.
From what I could already see, he had long brown hair that was put up into a low messy ponytail. I couldn't see his face because the cell was kinda far, my curiosity got to me and I decided to walk over.
It didn't take long for him to notice me because of my flashlight, he stopped and stared at me as I made my way up to the cell. I turned off my flashlight because there was no need for it at the moment, his cell was pretty lit up, and the lights were hot pink for some reason. Guess the heroes wanted to color-code the cells.

When I stopped, I looked down at what was in front of me. It was a desk with a whole bunch of buttons that controlled the cell, I looked back up at the dude, then I realized he looks about my age, or he just looks fucking young.
We stared at each other for a couple more seconds not knowing what to do or say so I was going to leave and look at something else but then he tried to say something.
I couldn't hear him nor could I understand what he was saying due to his voice not coming through, that's probably part of the tech in the cell.
I pointed at my ear as a gesture that I could not hear him, he stopped talking and looked down at the desk with all the buttons. Once I realized what he was looking at, I followed his eyes and walked back up to the desk.

All the buttons were labeled with something, the important ones were red and blue. The red was to open the door, and the blue was to activate sound, I looked back up at him and he did the same. I pressed the blue button without hesitation, the button glowed a light blue, "is this thing on?" I was staring deep at the button wondering did it even do anything.

"Can you hear me?"

I looked back up at the dude, and fuck did his voice sound young. "Yeah. Can you hear me?" I asked.
"Yeah, I'm Zin."

"I'm Riku."

We stood there in silence for a moment, it was awkward standing in silence but making eye contact was not making it any better.
"So... You're a villain?" I asked doubtingly.
"Yeah, I'm a big deal around here." he delightfully bragged as a shit-eating grin appeared on his face.
"Big how? I've never heard of you, or my friends." I switched my standing position and dipped my hip while shoving my hands into my pockets, not believing a single word coming out of his mouth.

He chuckled and said, "Well, you must not watch the news. But I'll fill you in."
Zin walked up closer to the glass, and in this soft and psychotic tone he said, "I killed about 134 people in a building, 109 blocks away from here."
I looked at him with no shock on my face, just blank.
"That's it?" I was unimpressed, I thought he planted a nuke somewhere now THAT! would have shocked me.
He looked at me confused and shocked, he laughed in disbelief and said, "What? You're not scared?"

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