Chapter 2

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~Deku's POV~

After we had safely taken the baby away from the hands of Tomura and Dabi, we decided that me and Shoto should take care of him, since he's Shoto's nephew after all. I couldn't imagine if we didn't catch those villains sooner, I mean if we hadn't taken the baby, they would have made him into a villain. Besides, he's pretty cute. His eyes look so pretty, one eye is red and the other is turquoise. The scary part is that they are freakishly big.
We were sitting in our living room as we watched the baby play with some toys we gave him just to keep him occupied. "So, did they say what his name was?" I asked, "I don't think they did, I'll ask Touya when we get to U.A.," Shoto said, "Honey, I don't think he'll tell you just straight off the bat," I said.

"I'm his brother, he'll tell me. Besides, I think I wanna have a little brotherly time with him for once in my life" Shoto said. "Okay, well I'm gonna go pick up Itsuki from my mom's house. Watch the baby" I said. I kissed Shoto before I left then put on my shoes and ran out the door.
I don't know why I was rushing but I was, I got in the car but of course! Because of my rushing, I forgot my keys. Thankfully Shoto came out with the keys that I left accidentally. "What was your point" he laughed. "I don't know! I was rushing." I said.

"Well, no need to rush baby," he said sweetly, it makes me blush when he calls me baby. I started the car and gave Shoto another kiss goodbye and drove off to my mom's house.


I made it to my mom's house no later than 20 minutes, I parked my car and got out. I walked up to the door and knocked 5 times in a nice rhythm. I stood there for a few seconds and heard a door unlock till it opened, there I saw my mom with a smile on her face holding Itsuki in his wrapped blanket. "Hey Mom, how was he" I asked, "oh he was wonderful and adorable," she said, handing him to me carefully.

"Thanks for babysitting him," I said, "your welcome sweetie," she said, I hugged my mom and went back to my car. I put Itsuki in his car seat and made sure he was secured. I think it's obvious that I get my overprotectiveness from my mom, no doubt.

Once I was sure he was secured in his seat, I got in the car and drove off. Maybe stop by the store to get some food for the baby and my baby. Just in case.

~Shoto's POV~

I haven't taken my eyes off this baby for about... I think 40 minutes, he was too adorable. I'm pretty shook that Touya pulled it off with the leader of the LOV, "I wonder what they named you" I said, picking him up. I sat him on my leg as he was sucking on one of the toys he was playing with, but then he stopped and started looking around. "What are you looking for buddy?" I asked.

He stopped looking around, looked up at me, and made a face, that face told me that he was about to cry any second now. I was right too, he began to cry but not loud, not like Itsuki I must say. "H-hungy" he cooed. I didn't know what he said, but then it hit me. "OH! Your hungry" I said, "don't worry I'll go get you a snack or something" I said, I rushed to the kitchen and looked for crackers or something.

But then I heard the door open, "hey honey! Me and Itsuki are home" he yelled. But when he did, the baby started crying a little louder which caused Itsuki to cry too. "Uh, Hon! Why is the baby crying?!" Izuku said, "He got hungry! I'm trying to look for some food" I said.
"Oh no need, I already went to the store," he said, I sighed in relief, I went into the living room and got all the things Izuku bought and brought to the kitchen. Izuku sat both Itsuki and the baby down at the dinner table so they could eat.

"I bought them both baby food, so you feed no name baby and I'll feed Itsuki," Izuku said, I grabbed the baby food that he bought and then we started feeding them.

"Jesus you weren't wrong about being hungry," I said, my nephew was eating pretty quick. "His so-called parents probably don't feed him," Izuku said, turning to me. "Probably" I replied, "also, is he considered a baby still? I mean he looks like he's 1" I asked.

"Hmm, you right, he probably is 1," Izuku said, we got done feeding the boys later on, and then we bathed them. After all that, I searched for a white shirt for the no-name "toddler". It didn't take me long to find one, and it kinda fitted him, it was just a little too big.
After we got them dressed, we took them to bed. My nephew got his own room because he might cause Itsuki to cry again.

Me and Izuku sat in the living room to rest because number 1 my feet were killing me. Number 2 I didn't expect that mission to be any easier than it already was. "Hey," Izuku said. I turned to show him that he had my attention, "let's not ask either one of them what his name is" he said. "Why" I asked. "I thought... Well, let's just rename him" he said, I was... I wasn't shocked but...renaming?

"Uh, you sure babe?" I asked, "Yes, it's for his safety. I don't want him to know about them either, and most definitely not Itsuki." he said, strictly. "That'll do, but I'm still gonna visit Touya," I said.
"I'm not gonna stop you, I just want his parents out of his memory, I don't want people like them to spoil a child into becoming a monster like they are," He said, and he was right.

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