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Y/n lay stream across the grass in the courtyard, staruing up at the pale blue sky with a huge pile of books beside her.
Tom sat propped up against a tree and was furiously scribbling down the answers to a homework while she lazed around.

From the corner of her eye she could see the Marauders group loitering around at a safe distance but watching them keenly, trying to act as inconspicuous as they could, although, it would appear that not all of them were in on it.

"Guys, trust me," Remus laughed awkwardly, standing infront of the group, arms spread open to obscure tehir view of the peaceful couple.
"There's nothing weird about them, it was just a misunderstanding!"

James and sirius both ignored him, however, both of them peering over his shoulder while Peter hovered beside them quietly.

"What are you lot doing?" The boys all whipped eround to see little miss carrot top, lily Evans, staring at them with a hand on her hip.

"Helloooo lily~" James purred, leaning on Sirius only for the boy to pull away abruptly, making James fall.

"Charming." Lily rolled her eyes. "Well? What are you up to?" She asked again.

"Nothing!" Remus tried to avert her gaze.

"Stalking L/n and Riddle to see what their deal is." Peter snickered from behind her, all of the boys sighing heavily at him.


Y/n snickered at lily's sudden yelling, figuring that she must have found out what they were doing.

"You see these chumps?" She rolled onto her side, peering up at Tom.
"Can't even spy properly."

The corner of Tom's lip twitch upwards into a smirk, trying not to he continued to finish up with potions homework.

"They arent very good at hiding, are they?" He looked from the parchment to her, suddenly catching sight of Lily dragging the group of boys in their direction.

"Looks like the jig is up." He scoffed.

Y/n pulled herself completely up right, propping herself on witb her hands as the group stopped in front of them.

"No doubt you've seen these idiots stalking you." Lily shoved them forward, crossing her arms over her chest.
"So they're going to apologise."

Y/n and Tom glanced at each other, smirking before looking to the boys again.
The three boys, not Remus, all grumbled under their breath about how this was stupid.

"We're so very sorry for this!" Remus sputtered out, elbowing James and Sirius at his sides.

"Sorry..." The other three huffed quietly.

"Hmm..." y/n gripped her chin, pretending to ponder their apology before she grinned.

"Kiss my shoes and maybe i'll accept your apology."

All of them, including Lily, gaped at her, jaws dropped, unable to comprehend her words.

"What?!" James yelled. "No way! I'm not kissing your shoes yous psycho!"

Y/n shrugged, leaning back against the tree and crossing her leg over the other.

"Oh well, guess you'll receive whatever karma you get." She smirked, making them roll their eyes.

"Whatver, bitch, I don't want your apology anyway." Sirius scoffed. "I can see why you're in Slytherin."

Lily, still shocked by y/n's request, stepped aside to allow the boys to pass before Remus suddenly dropped down in front of Y/n and reached for her foot.

Tom and Y/n both bit back laughs before the boys yelled out, pulling Remus back.

"Moony!" Sirius yelled. "What are you doing!? You can't seriously be scared of these assholes!"

Remus, bright red in the face, evaded ey contact with his friends as if his life depended on it.

"You never know what they're capable of..." he pushed Sirius away, leaving him to stare in shock and Remus grabbed Y/n's foot and slowly, Shakily, brought it closer to his face.

"Hey," y/n pulled her foot back, leaning forward to look at his face.
"Sorry, I was joking, I didn't think you'd do it."

Remus stared at her, heart pounding with embarrassment as she smiled softly at him, patting his head gently.

"Sorry for the trouble, that was a horrible thing to do."

Tom, who had packed their things away and was already standing, helped y/n to her feet.
Dusting any grass from her robes and uniform, she chucked awkwardly.

"Oh uhm, we wouldn't actually do anything, By the way."

The couple linked arms before speeding off, rounding the corner and out of earshot before bursting into laughter.

"No way that just happened..!" Y/n laughed, dragging her hand down her face.
"Sttooopppp, I feel so bad!" She drawled out.

"Don't feel bad darling, he would have been lucky to kiss your shoe."

Y/n punched Tom in the arm, scolding him playfully as they continued off.

Back at the courtyard Remus remain where he was on the ground, still ad a statue.

"Alrught moony," James grabbed him by the shoulder.

"What the fuck was that? You better tell us what's going On."

Tom. Marvolo. RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now