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Minerva McGonagall: the current headmistress of Hogwarts sits at her desk doing paperwork peacefully, portraits of sleeping headmasters snoring in their frames lined the walls of the circular office.
Each of them snores loudly, turning in their chairs, except one...Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore. 

He stares at Minerva, awaiting her to look up and acknowledge his gaze.

The scratching of her quill on parchment stops as she sighs.

"What is it, Albus?" She asks, her thin lips pulled into a line.

"Do you remember the conversation we had about love potion soulmates,
I doubt you do, it was a very long time ago after all-" He rambles on only to be cut off by the wrinkled woman.

"Yes, Albus, I remember very clearly. We had that conversation ten minutes ago." She says in a fed-up tone.

There was a mischievous twinkle in his blue eyes as he looked through his half-moon glasses.

"Was it? I must have a screw loose, very well." He pauses for a moment.

"I do believe you recognised Miss y/n
l/n the moment you seen her, as well as everyone who knew her. Snape would have too but he's dead so-" his comment earns him a sharp glare from Minerva and he swallows.

"Ahem...y/n is Tom Riddle's soulmate, she must go to him, if not...nothing will change aside from the person who becomes Voldemort." McGonagall blinks owlishly at him and the world sort of stops for her.

"I suppose you want me to give her a time-turner?" McGonagall asks, gaining her hearing back.

A grin grows on Dumbledore's lips as he nods curtly.

"Indeed I do professor, indeed I do."

Y/n sits alone in the courtyard with a book, a contempt smile on her face as sits against the wall.

"L/n." A sudden voice came. Looking up to see the owner of said voice, she sees the male Slytherin prefect staring down at her, although they were both fifth Year's he acted like he was better than her.

"What?" She asks. "I'm reading." She states firmly, darting her eyes back to her book. Advanced Animagi.

Snapping her eyes back up to the boy.
"The headmistress wants you in her office immediately." He says before walking off abruptly.

Y/n's eyes narrow as she heads to McGonagall's office.

"Did she find my burn book?
Did she find out about the rat I put in Allaya's trunk?!"

She looks up at the statue and says the password, the statue moves to reveal a staircase. With a deep breath, the
h/c haired girl runs up the stairs, careful not to fall off the edge.

Y/n slams open the wooden door and fall into a Kim Possible pose.

"WHATEVER IT WAS! IT WASNT ME!" She yells. McGonagall gives her an unimpressed look when her yelling wakes up the other portraits.

"You aren't in trouble, y/n." The fifth-year quickly and brushes her skirt off.

"Pffft!" She says, waving her hand. "I knew that..." she trails off awkwardly.

"Hello y/n, nice to see you again." Dumbledore smiles, y/n perks up a little bit.

"You too Dumbledore!" She replies happily before returning to McGonagall.

"What did you need, Minnie?" McGonagall gets visibly agitated by the student using a nickname but doesn't say anything.

"I believe Albus will be telling you that." She said, lips forming a thin line.

"Sit child," Dumbledore says. Y/n turned the chair that sat in front of McGonagall's desk and turned it to face the portrait.

"I'm sure you are well aware of what a soulmate is and what Amortentia is."

Y/n nods, her eyebrows knitted together.

"If a child is conceived under the effects of a love potion, the child is incapable of love. There is no potion or spell that can reverse these effects, but a soulmate can. Every child conceived under these effects has one soulmate, from either past or future."

He pauses for a moment allowing y/n to speak.

"Why not during the same time period?" She asks, tilting her head.

"To make it more difficult to find each other, this, of course, means that the majority of these people do not find each other. It takes a lot of convincing, patience and effort for the ice around their hearts to thaw, most push their soulmate away in fear having never known love."

Y/n bites her bottom lip raising her right eyebrow.

"Why are you telling me this professor..?" Dumbledore smiles at her.

"You are the soulmate of a boy born in the 1920s. It is your job to change his heart before he becomes Lord Voldemort."

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