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Y/n practically leapt down the stairs, almost falling a few times before she reached the bottom, a bouquet of red roses wrapped in plastic in her right hand and a box in her left and she bounded into the common room, starting Tom who had just sat down on the leather sofa.

"TOMMY!" She yelled, his wide eyes staring at her with bewilderment as she practically shoved the flowers into his face. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!"

She lets go of the flowers and Tom hastily caught them before they hit his lap.

"You acting like my birthday is Valentine's Day." He scoffed. "Roses..." his voice was a whisper as he looked at the blood-red flowers in his hands.

"I took the thorns off of them by the way." Y/n informs him, lifting on her knees at the opposite side of the coffee table, facing him as she positions the box in the centre.

With one swift tug, she pulls the ribbon off and the box fell at all four sides to reveal a cake with a white base and a blue abstract design on the bottom.

As soon as the box fully fell the candles on top lit up and the one in the middle started to spark and crackle, looking like a sparkler as the happy birthday tune started to play.

Tom stared in absolute shock as the song played, unsure of how to react to the speed of which all of this happens.
It certainly was's not it. Obnoxious.

The candles kept burning as the song came to a stop, the sparked candle stopping too.

"Make a wish!" Y/n beamed at him as he hesitantly leaned forward and blew the candles out. "Yay!"

"What's got you so hyper..?" He asked awkwardly as she jumped across the table and started attacking him with kisses. "You're acting a little bit weird."

"Oh!" Y/n leans backwards and rubs her neck sheepishly. "I've just been getting some really good sleep lately, I'm feeling awesome!"

Tom kept looking at her with a suspicious stare, glaring holes into her facade.
"And...?" He pressed, watching her grow nervous.

"I had candy for breakfast..." she admits like a child, sticking her bottom lip out in a pout.

"Of course..." Tom sighed in defeat, a slight hint of amusement on his features.

"And Dumbledore got us permission to go into London!" Her grin and excitement seemed to be contagious as Tom let a small smile slip onto his lips.

"Sounds fun." He said. "What are we going to do there?"

"We're going to see a movie!" Tom's jaw almost hit the floor.

"A...a movie?" He asked, y/n nodding. "In an actually real theatre?"

"Yes..?" Y/n says, becoming more and more confused.

"With real confectionary?" She nods again. "With wealthy people in the same room?"

"Tom." Y/n places her hands on his shoulders, staring into his eyes.
"Calm the fuck down. We are going to see a movie, get popcorn and cotton candy then probably go to a carnival."

"Isn't that going to be crazy expensive? I don't have the money to give you for this-"
y/n shushes Tom by putting her finger to his lips, his eyes crossing to look at her finger.

"'s fine, this is your birthday gift so just accept it and shut up."

Y/n and Tom come walking out of the movie screening into the lobby, talking happily to each other about the event of the movie, y/n clinging onto Tom's arm and getting strange looks due to how she's dressed in modern-day clothes.

"If you thought that was great wait until you see movies form my time!" Y/n grins.
"They're gonna blow your mind!"
She was practically jumping in excitement.
"The avengers series is one of the best in our time!"

"The avengers..?" Tom questions. "What's it about?"

"You'll have to wait until I show you it!" Y/n says, smirking cheekily at him, making Tom roll his eyes playfully.
"We can watch the first iron movie when we go back to my time at some point."

"Alright then." Tom chuckles, closing his eyes briefly as they get out into the street, the dark sky is illuminated by street lamps, the sudden cold air giving him goosebumps.

"Where to next-" Tom is cut off by someone bumping into his shoulder on their way into the theatre, both of them turning to look at each other.

"Oh my, I'm sorry!" The man said.

"I'm also sorry-" Tom says as politely but cuts himself off as the two make eye contact, both of their blue eyes staring at each other in surprise.

Y/n furrows her eyes brows and peers around Tom to get a look at the man who had halted his speech, her own jaw dropping at his appearance.

The man was tall, just taller than Tom and with a sharp jawline and defined features, dark hair slicked back and with the same stunning blue eyes as Tom. The only difference would be that the older man had a slightly darker skin complexion than Tom's sickly pale colour.

There was a woman on his arm, her blonde hair curled elegantly as her gloved hands barely grazed his arm as she held it.

"Tom/Tommy?" The woman said at the exact same time as y/n.

"Oh shit."

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