Character introduction:

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Before you read this book I would like to say that in no means is this a real story, this is only a fan fiction and so although the main characters are real people, the events and situations that occur in this book are not real. This comes after a comment mentioning about how I've portrayed laroi in a negative light in certain chapters (to intensify drama) and how they said that could damage larois reputation, and so I just wanted to inform readers that these events have NEVERHAPPENED😁

Charlton Kenneth Jeffery Howard as himself. He is a upcoming rapper and is very talented. Very young and is y/ns best friend. He has a younger brother called Austin. Or Auz as he likes to be called.

Yourself as y/n anderson.
You are charltons best friend and you live next door to each other so you see him every day. You and Charlton get along very well and you like to listen to his music. You also are friends with his younger brother Auz.

Austin Howard as himself.
Austin (Auz) is charltons little brother and really likes y/n and they are friends. He likes listening to his older brother produce music and is normally very inspired by him to do the same thing he does.

Louisa Jane.
A tiktoker that becomes very good friends with charlton when they get older. Austin doesn't like her and neither does y/n. Louisa isn't nice and is money obsessed and materialistic.

Mrs Howard.
Charlton and Austin's mum. As you are round so often she also thinks of you as one of her own. She loves how you and charlton are best friends and how you look after and include Auz in everything.

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