Dinner dates and tour mates pt2

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As we got the trolley laroi picked me up. I swear he's either really strong or I'm really light because he picked me up so easily. He put me into the trolley and we both started laughing.

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We walked into the shop and everyone was giving us weird looks so I got out. Laroi headed straight for the candy isle.

Laroi: fuck yeah let's
get this!

Y/n: Roy we need to
get actual food, we can't
live off chocolate. We
can come back and get
candy later.

We walked down the isles and I bought actually useful stuff like meat, vegetables, dairy and breads. Then laroi ran back to the candy isle and came back with massive bags.

Y/n: your paying for
the candy Roy.

Laroi: fine.

I walked down to the alcohol isle and put in a bottle of pink gin as it's my favourite.

Laroi: so you can buy
alcohol which legally you
probably can't buy but I
can't buy candy?

Y/n: I'll share it with you.

Laroi: I don't drink
anymore though,
remember last time
I was drunk I almost
killed you? I say it
everytime you tell me I
Can drink but honestly I
Still feel like shit from
That night.

Y/n: it was an accident,
it's fine and you didn't
almost kill me don't worry.
Yeah I know but honestly you
Deserve to drink, it's not like
Your gonna kill me again.

Laroi: still, I'll never
forgive myself that i made
you need surgery. Just
don't get drunk and
fucked up when you drink it.

Y/n: of course I won't Roy.

We checked out and drove back to the bus. Before anyone greeted me they all ran straight for the candy bag

Y/n: hello to you too?

Glaive came over and hugged me.

Glaive: thank you for
buying food y/n.

Eric then came over and hugged me too, however he was more rough and started shaking me.

Laroi: chill bro-

Laroi came over and hugged me and then helped me unpack the shop.

I decided to pour myself a glass of gin, not too much because I didn't wanna get fucked up, not tonight anyways.

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