Dinner dates and tour mates

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After we had finished eating our sushi, I raced everyone to the bathroom so I could get ready however laroi beat me there.

Laroi: snooze you lose bae

I rolled my eyes at him and started laughing. When he finally got out I went in and got changed into my pyjamas, it was my turn to sleep on the couch so I text laroi who was lying on his bed


Y/n: im on the sofa tonight, come join me x

Laroi: omw

Laroi came and laid down with me and wrapped his arms around my waist, before giving me a peck on the forehead.

Laroi: goodnight love.

Wow I love this boy.

When I woke up to my surprise it was 9:57. It was kind of late for me as I normally wake up really early. I rolled over to see if laroi was awake yet and he wasn't even in bed. His phone wasn't on the table either so I was guessing he had gone for breakfast.

I got up and grabbed larois hoodie which was on the sofa and pulled it over my head. I made my way to the kitchen and was greeted by everyone.

Tecca: hey y/n.

Glaive: wassup

Eric: morning shawty

Laroi: Eric the fuck you
think your doing calling
my girlfriend shawty.

Eric: chill it was a joke.

Laroi came over and wrapped his arms round my shoulders and rested his chin on my head.

Laroi glared at Eric before they both started laughing. I know they were both joking but it made me feel really awkward.

Laroi: you smell good y/n.

Y/n: oh yeah? I'm
wearing your hoodie so it's
probably your cologne.

Laroi: fuck yeah I knew
it was good. You look
good in my hoodie.

Y/n: thank you Charlie.

Laroi: oi don't call me charlie

Y/n: I'll call you what I want.

I walked to the cupboard and grabbed some cereal which seemed to be the only thing in there because last night, instead of buying new food we ordered sushi in instead.

Y/n: fuck we need
food I'll go shopping today

Laroi: I'll come with you

Y/n: okay I just need
to get ready then we can go.

I finished my food and walked into the bathroom. I locked the door so no one could come in and started getting changed when I heard a knock at the door.

Laroi: y/n are you in there

Y/n: yeah one sec
I'm changing.

Laroi: yeah act like
I haven't seen you
changing before.

I rolled my eyes and I heard the door open, I grabbed laroi and pulled him into the bathroom and slammed the door before Anyone could see me.

Y/n: chill, first of all ever
heard of privacy? Second
of all how the fuck did
you get in I locked the
door and third of all why
did you come in because
someone could have seen
me changing

Laroi: relax no one
was around, and yeah
I've heard of privacy but
your my girlfriend so.

Y/n; yeah but I should
still get privacy as you girlfri- 

Laroi cut me off by putting his lips on mine. He pulled away and put his forehead on my head.

Laroi: your lips are so
kissable, I could kiss
them forever.

I felt myself blush before laroi opened the door again and walked out.

I carried on getting changed and brushed my teeth before walking out. Everyone was staring at me.

Y/n: what's good?

I looked around for laroi but he wasn't there

Y/n: where's laroi?

They all just sat there in silence.

Eric: why was laroi in
the bathroom with you.

Y/n; you saw? Not
a lot I was getting
changed and he came
in and kissed me.

I started walking towards the door to see if laroi was outside.

Eric; nothing else went
down? Just you kissing him?

Y/n: no, just a kiss why

Eric: just wondered.

Y/n: bye eric.

I stood at the door but before I could turn around and walk down the steps someone grabbed my wrist and tugged me off.

I let out a scream as I started to fall but I felt two arms wrap around me. I instantly recognised the tattoos and turned around and slapped laroi.

Y/n: what the fuck
I thought I was gonna fall
and break my head open.

Laroi: I would never
let that happen. Let's
go shopping.

We walked to the car together and laroi decided to drive to the supermarket. We got a trolley and started shopping.

Gosh I'm so sorry I've been writing more chapters on my iann dior book as I've recently had loads of inspiration for it. After reading all the comments on my page about how much you all love this book I decided to whip this out my drafts to publish something, sorry if it's not the best I'll try do a better chapter next time!

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