Picnic date

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Once laroi had driven us to the park, he ran round to the passenger side and opened my door, before swiftly opening the trunk to reveal a woven basket with a purple ribbon round it as well as a purple blanket. Purples my favourite colour. He knows me so well.
Laroi grabbed my hand and we walked over to a large patch of grass, where we laid down the blanket and put the basket down.

Y/n: I can't wait to see what you brought.

I opened the basket and at the top was an envelope saying "to my dearest y/n"

Y/n: Can I open it laroi?

Laroi:Of course.

To my dearest y/n,
Ever since we met when we were like a couple of years old you have always been my best friend. You have always been there for me even when I haven't been there for you, I don't know what I did to deserve you but all I know is that I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I'm sorry for all the times I've messed you over or hurt you or made you feel even remotely sad, you didn't deserve that and you deserve the entire world, so that's what I'm going to give you one day, as soon as I can. Happy one year anniversary my love. I can't wait for many more anniversaries to come for us together, the memories and the trips we get to go on together, Ill cherish all the ones we have been on in my heart forever. I love you so so much mi amor, don't ever forget that, or how beautiful you are, both inside and out. I'm so proud to call you my girlfriend.
Love Roy x

Y/n:Laroi that's the sweetest thing ever.

I started tearing up.

Laroi:There's also one from Austin.


Laroi:Yeah he wouldn't let me read it but he told me to give it to you.

Dear y/n.
I know this is probably weird getting a letter from me, but when laroi told me about his note I knew I had to do one too. Thank you for always being there for laroi, I honestly don't know how he would get through life without you. Whenever he visits home and he's not with you, all he talks about is you, whenever I call him, you are all he tells me about, not his music, not his shows, it's only ever you. I aspire to have a relationship that's just like yours and larois because even though shit has gone down in the past, your still together and you still love each other more than ever. Thank you for looking after me and laroi since we were both tiny, and thank you for being the bigger sister that I never had. I love you for that and I'm so happy you're in my life. I appreciate everything you've ever done for me and laroi, you make him so happy and I'm so glad he's found someone that he loves with his whole heart.
Ps. If laroi proposes to you ever, please say yes, I'd love to have you as my sister in law.
Love Auz. :)

Y/n:Laroi your brothers so sweet.

Laroi:Oi your mine don't leave me for him.

Y/n:Your only ever mine Roy, I never want anyone else, it's always been you and it will forever be you.

He gave me a peck on the cheek before snatching the letter out my hand


Laroi:What baby I just wanna read it.

He reads it and his mouth forms and o shape because of how shocked he is with what Austin wrote.

Laroi: Why is Auz chatting about me proposing, now it's making me feel bad because I didn't plan to do it on this date.

Y/n:On this date? Implying your planning on asking me?

Laroi:Well you never know, I do eventually wanna ask you... just not right now, we're both too young

Y/n:It's okay Roy, I can't wait till you ask me. I wanna get married to you. I know it's only our first anniversary but your so special to me I can't imagine walking down the isle for anyone else.

Laroi gave me another peck on the forehead before we started eating food.

Y/n:Shit laroi it's 5pm your show starts soon we've literally been sat here all day talking.

We walked back to his car where he drove us back to the tour bus. Before we got there laroi started speaking to me.

Laroi: so y/n, I'm taking you out after the show, wear something fancy to the venue, I can't wait to see what you choose.

I went into my wardrobe and chose this little red dress. It was honestly so pretty and I took a mirror selfie before walking out again to see laroi. His jaw literally dropped and it was so funny and I started laughing while he just stared me up and down.

Laroi: how did I deserve someone so pretty.

Y/n:I'm only pretty for you.

I walked over and sat down at the table so I could post on my Instagram.


@Y/nandersonx: date night💎🧨🍷

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@Y/nandersonx: date night💎🧨🍷

@thekidlaroi: your so fuckin gorgeous my love.
I can't wait for tonight😌🫠😉
—>@y/nandersonx: I love you, Im ecstatic you know😉

Y/nshoward: I thought laroi was doing a show tonight has he cancelled.
—>@y/nandersonx: nope he's doing the show still we are going out after :)

@haileybieber: my lil sis
—> @justinbieber: tell your lil sis' boyfriend I wanna write another song with him.
—>@y/nandersonx: don't worry J I'll tell him, I'm sure he will be straight on it. Also love you Hailey. My big sis 4eva.

Another few hours go past and we're at larois show. He's just finished and now the crowd is chanting "one more song"

Laroi screams from backstage

Laroi:"Hold on guys I'll come back if yall calm down"

The crowd erupted in cheers.

"Y/n can you stand in the middle of the stage please"

I slowly walked over as I was scared of what was about to happen. Finally I saw laroi emerge from the other side of the stage to where I was standing. He was wearing a cream suit holding a massive bouquet of flowers. I don't think I have ever seen a bouquet that large. My hand immediately covered my mouth because of how shocked I was that he would do something like this.

Laroi was holding a microphone in one hand and the flowers in the other so we couldn't Excatly hold hands, so I held his wrist.

Laroi: so many of you super fans may know that one year ago today I asked this amazing gorgeous talented woman to become my girlfriend. I've known y/n for my whole life and I'm so excited to be with you for the rest of my life and see where our lives take us. Happy anniversary baby!

Everyone clapped and screamed happy anniversary for us.

Laroi:These are for you my love.

Y/n:Oh my god laroi they're beautiful

Laroi pulled me into a hug and gave me a kiss on the forehead.

Laroi: I'm gonna do one more song motherfuckers then I'm taking this beautiful girl on a date.

I gave laroi one more kiss on the cheek before running off stage with the roses he gave me.

I really am the luckiest girl in the world.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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