Back in La

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Me and laroi finally arrived home after what felt like the longest flight ever. Laroi was so excited because he had his first rehearsal for for his show. Starting the tour off in Australia meant we could go see our families and friends, and just perform to everyone in our home town.

Laroi: I've got the best opening act, I'll tell you who it is later!

Y/n: please tell me now!

Laroi: okay I will, I'm going to mentor them like juice did for me. Can you guess who it is?

Y/n: hmm. Roy I have no clue, just tell me! I'm guessing they're joining us on the bus?

Laroi: if it's okay with you, it's glaive, glaive is going to be my opening act!

Y/n; of course glaive can join us!

Laroi: also Eric doa will be joining us,  if that's okay , like on the bus.

Y/n: the more the merrier. How am I going to cope months on end with three assheads.

I started laughing.

Laroi: you love us really.

Y/n; of course.

We unpacked our bags and went to bed at like 11pm. It was early for us however laroi had rehearsals in the morning and we didn't want to be tired.

The next morning.

Laroi: do you wanna come to rehearsals with me? Glaive will be there.

Y/n: gosh it's literally 7am it's too early for this but sure.

We got ready and went to larois rehearsal, it was so good seeing him perform again I love watching him jump around and enjoy himself.

The rehearsal  went really well and .It was so nice seeing glaive again.

Fast forward three weeks to the tour bus .

Laroi: Eric ! Glaive your finally here, there's four beds on the bus but there's the big sofa at the back which we can rotate on if we want.
Go claim your bunks.

I walked over and claimed the bottom two for me and laroi, and glaive and Eric would sleep above us.

I grabbed my suitcase and jumped on the small bed which will be where I sleep for the next few months. 

The tour bus was really beautiful, the front had  the drivers seat and other seats. Right behind that was the kitchen and dining area, it was small however it was very cosy  and there was just enough room for everyone.

Behind that was the storage area with wardrobes and cupboards . That was right next to the bathroom. Once again the bathroom was really small but it was fine. Then finally right at the back of the bus there were the bunks  on one side, and on the other side was the lounging area which was really pretty. The lounge area was pretty big and we rotate on who gets the comfy sofa to sleep on each night.

We had all finally got settled and we decided to watch something on the television.

Y/n: so guys what do you wanna watch?

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