12. The party (shattered)

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A few months had passed and laroi had been working hard on new music, and we had been seeing each other almost everyday.
We didn't fight much but when we did It was over something stupid and was resolved quickly.

Laroi: I'm holding a party tonight y/n, can you come, please.

Y/n: yeah of course, what's it for?

Laroi: me and Justin have finally finished our song stay and it comes out tonight. So we wanted to celebrate, plus I've got some more songs coming out in like two weeks but my fans don't know it yet.

Y/n oh my god that's so exciting. Who's coming?

I went over to laroi and hugged him

Laroi: we'll it's at my house now I've moved out of my mums, so I suppose it's also a house warming party. Um so there gonna be quite a few people. Me, you, justin, hailey, tecca, Teccas girlfriend Rachel, polo, Austin and quite a few others. I went to juices grave and gave him an invite too, he would have been proud of what I was doing. I miss him.

Y/n: laroi, you know he would be the most proud ever, he was your best friend and created the most amazing music but he was also just an amazing person..

I started rubbing his back.

Y/n: proud of you laroi, and all that you've accomplished.

Laroi: thank you y/n. I miss him lots, thank you for always being here for me. Love you so much.

Y/n: and I love you too, always.

Laroi gets back to work setting up the party and I go get dressed.

Laroi gets back to work setting up the party and I go get dressed

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This is what I wore to larois party.

I was in larois bedroom getting ready when the music started blasting and people started flooding his downstairs floor.

I finally finished getting ready and started walking down the stairs and the music became quieter.

Laroi: there she is! It's the love of my life.

I started to blush while laroi waited at the bottom of his beautiful staircase.

Y/n: your house really is beautiful laroi.

Laroi: just like you then.

Y/n: your not too bad yourself.

We both started laughing and laroi grabbed my hand and we walked to the front door area where I met Justin and hailey.

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