6. The next big thing

447 11 3

(Age 16)

Me and laroi were still best friends to this day. We would talk every morning, every time we left school and every evening before bed. As we were 16 our parents gave us a lot more freedom so we could do what we wanted most days.

Y/n: laroi! I can't believe how big you've gotten recently.

Laroi: yeah it's crazy, and you've been by my side the whole way. Thank you y/n I owe it all to you.

Y/n: i mean I can't take all the credit but thank you.

Laroi: *checks his phone* omg y/n! Guess what

Y/n: what laroi?!

Laroi: Louisa Jane the famous tiktoker just followed and dmed me!

Y/n: oh. Cool what did she say

Laroi: she said she wanted to meet up.

Y/n: are you going to?

Laroi: of course I am! I would be stupid not to considering I've had a crush on her for the longest time.

Hearing those words broke me. I know I was only 16 but I really liked laroi. I was truly heartbroken.

A few days passed and I didn't talk to laroi much. He went out to see Louisa but came in just before.

Laroi: y/n I'm going to meet Louisa now, I promise we will hang out when I get back, ok?

Y/n: sure.

Laroi: Ummm. Ok then have a good evening.


I drove to where I was going to meet Louisa.

Laroi: hey Louisa!

Lou: hey laroi how are you! It's lovely to meet you btw.

Laroi: I'm good and it's lovely to meet you too.

Lou: this is so exciting. By the way who's the girl your songs are about.

Laroi: oh it's about a friend who I've known since I was born.

Lou: well maybe they will be about me soon.

Laroi: we'll lou I gotta say I love the confidence.

After chatting for a while:

Lou: So... you tryna go on a second date?

Laroi: for sure. I'd love that yeah.

Lou: brilliant.

A few weeks go by and we went on a second and third date. On the third date I asked her to be my girlfriend and she said yes. As much as I was so happy, y/n seemed sadder and sadder as the weeks passed.

Louisa came home with me one day and we went live on tiktok. 

Laroi: hey family.

Laroilover12: OMG LAROI
xxxfan76: laroi are you working on any new songs??
Lario79237: who's that girl behind you?

Laroi: wow these comments are going mad. Lemme answer some. Um hey laroilover12! Yes actually I'm working on loads of singles atm! They may not end up being singles but more like an album I'm not sure yet. Um oh yeah. Lou are you ok to come on?

Lou: yeah

Laroi: this is my girlfriend everybody say hi!

Laroiiilover: omg she's so pretty
LAROISy/n: what happened to y/n?
Xxxfan76: hey Louisa!

Laroi: yeah she's beautiful isn't she. Um y/n is still my best friend guys nothings happened if that's what your asking.

LAROISy/n: no cause I shipped laroi and y/n 😭

Laroi: yeah well Louisa is my girlfriend, don't make this weird family! Also, you guys want me to go on tour when I've finished my singles?

Louisa: hell yeah can I come

Laroi: of course Lou!

LAROISy/n: yeah but only if you bring y/n.

Laroi: yeah guys of course she would come. She's my best friend through thick and thin.
Ok family, it's been lovely catching up but I've gotta get going. See you later!

Nahh cause do you guys think Louisa's gonna treat him well or not?

618 words :)

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