21. Y/ns birthday.

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A few weeks had passed since our massive argument and our relationship was going really well. I loved laroi so much, and even though we had our disagreements all the time, I always wanted to be with him.


I woke up with laroi next to me like everyday, however I was awake before him. I went to get up out of bed when I felt an arm wrap around my waist.

Laroi: baby stay with me for a bit.

I layed back down in bed with my head resting on larois arm.

Laroi: how did you sleep.

Y/n: really good laroi. And you?

Laroi: amazing cause you were with me, like every night.

I started laughing.

Laroi: it's my favourite persons birthday tomorrow.

Y/n: oh yeah aha, totally forgot about my birthday.

Laroi: well we should go get ready for the day, I wanna take you out somewhere.

Y/n: can I know where?

Laroi: we'll I've already kind of packed your bags so just put on something light that you won't get hot in.

Y/n: got it.

We went downstairs to get breakfast then I went and got changed into a cropped top and a pair of shorts.

Laroi: I love the outfit.

Laroi took my hand and led me to the car. He opened the door for me and walked round the other side to get in and started to drive off.

After some time of driving we finally arrived.

Laroi: we're at the beach!

Y/n: omg laroi I love the beach.

Laroi: yeah and we're camping over too!

Y/n: no way!

We got out the car and I ran round to hug laroi.

Y/n: you need help unloading the car?

Laroi: no bae, I got it.

Laroi started walking towards the beach with all the bags but I took some of them off his shoulder.

Laroi: bae I don't want you to carry anything, it's your birthday tomorrow.

Y/n: dumbass it might be my birthday tomorrow but I'm not letting my best friend carry all those bags on his own.

We both started laughing.

We built our tent and put our bags inside.

Laroi: you wanna go for a swim?

Y/n: what about our bags?

Laroi: they will be fine, promise, I'll get the security to look after them.

Y/n: fine.

I got changed into my bikini and came out to see laroi.

Laroi: you look amazing! Race to the water?

Y/n; you bet!

We raced to the water and obviously charlton won because he's a quicker runner than me.

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