24. The bar

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Laroi: alright, thank you for earlier by the way, I really don't deserve you, anyways. You ready to go?

Y/n: yeah, let's go!

We started walking to the bar, I was so excited because london is one of my all time favourite places on earth.

We got into the bar and walked over to one of the staff members.

Laroi: um hey, can we buy a drink?

Staff member: I'm going to have to see Some form of identification if you want to buy alcohol, you need to be 18.

Laroi: is my driving license okay?

Staff member: yea that should be fine, any nationality.

Laroi showed the staff member both our drivers licenses and the staff member took our order.

Laroi: I know I promised I wouldn't drink ever again but can I just have one glass as it's your birthday?

Y/n: im sure I can let it slide

I said while laughing.

The drinks came and laroi ordered a beer and I got a wine.

Laroi: fuck this is mad that we can buy alcohol here. I promise I won't get drunk and hurt you, your family trust me and I don't wanna betray them or you.

Y/n: *starts laughing* it's fine, I know you never meant to hurt me, that was like almost a year ago anyways.

We both carried on drinking and we only got one drink as we didn't want to get drunk and get a hangover as we were flying back the next morning.

Life with laroi was amazing, tour started in a month and although laroi hasn't finished his album yet, he will get to play some of his older songs, he really is talented.

We finished our drinks and started talking again.

Laroi: baby do you wanna walk down the streets of london at night, we leave in the morning so might as well make the most of it.

Y/n: omg yes id love to!

We walked out of the bar and started to walk down the roads when laroi spotted a Shopping centre.

Laroi: you wanna go in real quick see if there's any cool london stuff?

Y/n: yeah for sure!

We walked into the shopping centre and laroi wanted to go to a Nike shop to look around.

Laroi: omg y/n do you like these?

Y/n: they're beautiful.

Laroi: what size are you again?

Y/n: um a 6.

Laroi: imma buy them for you.

I looked at the price tag and they were expensive.

Y/n: you can't buy them roy they're over £5000. That's 8.5 grand in Australia.

Laroi: fuck it I'm doing it.

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