Week 1, Day 2

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I tossed and turned for the rest of the night, resulting in a raging headache when I awoke in the morning. I couldn't, however, waste away in bed all day in my misery, for I had to phone the fair coordinator, Yoon Na Mil, as soon as possible. Father ordered me to buy the largest plot I could get my hands on, and I knew he wasn't going to settle for anything but the largest.

Therefore, I willed myself out of bed and forced my feet to carry me to the bathroom despite the bout of dizziness that hit me like a truck when I stood up. When I came out, there was knocking at my door. I smoothed my hair as best as I could and opened the door.

Hwan Woong stood, holding a stand with my tray of breakfast on it. The first thing I noticed was the mug of black coffee.

"Good morning, Seo Ho," he greeted me, bowing slightly. I returned the gestures before nervously asking as I fiddled with my fingers,

"Would it be too much to ask if you could please get me a green tea instead?"

"Of course, of course. Why don't you take this and start while I fetch that for you?" he said as offered me the tray. I took it from him as he took the coffee.

"Thank you so much." He hummed sweetly before making his way down the hallway. I kicked the door shut behind me and set the tray on the desk.

I fixed my bed and changed out of my pajamas into a white silk button-up shirt and black slacks. Hwan Woong came back just in time.

I thanked him once more as I carefully took the tea from him, seeing as it was still piping hot.

"You're most welcome. Whenever you're done, just leave the tray on the stand, and I'll come collect it when I make my next rounds. Enjoy and let me know if you need anything else," he told me, bowing deeper this time. I smiled sincerely at him before he left to do his other duties.

I placed the tea on the tray before moving over to sit on the window seat. I propped a leg up as I began to smear butter then blueberry jam onto one of my pieces of toast. I then leaned back on the wall as I took in the hotel's vibrant garden. The clouds gave way to a bright sun that illuminated the green field dotted with reds, pinks, purples, and blues beautifully.

My headache started to feel much better after I finished my first piece of toast and drank half of the tea. Perhaps it was just hunger from not eating anything last night instead of the lack of sleep.

I finished my other toast and the tea and left the tray on the stand outside my room as instructed by Hwan Woong. I then rummaged through my coat that I had been wearing last night for Mister Na Mil's business card Father had given me just before I left.

Once I had found it, I went down to the lobby, taking the stairs. I saw someone was already using the phone, so I waited patiently by the elevators. When they were done, I made my way over but soon realized that there might be an extension before I dialed the number.

I noticed that one of the boys from yesterday, the one with black hair, was seated behind the lobby desk, doing some paperwork.

I walked over and said quietly, "Excuse me?"

He looked up and smiled politely. "Yes?"

"Is there an extension for the lobby phone?" I asked as I pointed in the phone's direction.

"Oh yes, it's six," he answered.

"Okay, thank you," I couldn't help but smile fully at him for some reason.

"No problem," he said before going back to his work.

I quickly jogged back to the phone, swiveled to six before dialing Mister Na Mil's number. It rang twice before he picked up.

Monster (ONEUS Seoho x Ravn/Seojo)Where stories live. Discover now