Week 1, Day 3

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I was up at seven o'clock sharp in the morning. I merely smoothed my hair and threw on my coat over my pajamas before rushing downstairs to get to the lobby phone first. I asked Do Won to be here at nine o'clock and if he could stop over at the bank to get as many coins as he was allowed to withdraw. I could only assume that the largest plot at the annual country fair cost a lot of money.

After that was settled, I went back upstairs and freshened up. I spent a good ten minutes trying to figure out which suit would be the best to make a great first impression on Mister Na Mil. I decided on the gray one my mother had gifted me on my birthday a year before my parents' divorce. It was like my good luck charm.

I tucked a cotton, white button-up shirt neatly into the gray trousers before tying the purple tie she had picked to go with it. Next came the gray vest and I adjusted the tie underneath once it was on. Lastly was the blazer. I left it open and smoothed the lapels down. I nodded to myself in the mirror once I was done before taking out my best pair of dress shoes and leaving them by the door.

I flipped the bathroom's light switch on once again as I fixed my hair properly in the oval-shaped mirror. I messily parted my bangs down the middle before working to style them with my hands. As I finished the right side, what seemed like an invisible hand, did the left side for me. I stared at my stunned reflection before carefully reaching a hand up to do it myself. The hand aggressively pushed mine away. I gasped at the human-like force it exerted.

I looked around the bathroom to see if the silhouette had come back for perhaps it wasn't finished with me yet. When all was clear and the only sound audible was the slight drip-drop of the water from the faucet in the tub, I closed out the light and bathroom door as quickly as I could.

Just as I came out, Hwan Woong came knocking at my door.

"Oooh," he teased as he saw my suit. He even nudged me with his elbow. I chuckled sheepishly as I hung my head.

"Be confident, you look like a million dazzling coins," he complimented me as he handed over my breakfast tray.

"You really think so?" I asked uncertainly. I looked okay in the mirror. He nodded with a sly smile.

"Thanks," I said with a relieved sigh, taking the tray from him.

"Might I ask who you're dressing up for?" he winked at me. I felt my cheeks grow hot. I fiddled with the tray nervously as I responded, "Oh no, I'm just going to meet up with the fair coordinator today and hopefully buy a plot." He stepped forward and brushed off my shoulders.

"You're going to do great, Seo Ho. Don't worry so much," Hwan Woong assured me. A lump arose in my throat. It sounded exactly, word-for-word, like something Keon Hee would say if he were here.

He patted my shoulders before taking his leave. I was glad my breakfast was a bowl of porridge with a mix of fruits on the side. I'm not sure how long it'll take with Mister Na Mil, so it was best to go on a reasonably full stomach.

I sat on the window seat as usual as I ate. By the time I finished, it was already eight fifty. I decided to phone a bit early. After setting the tray outside on the stand, I collected my coin pouch as well as Mister Na Mil's card before making my way downstairs.

Luckily for me, the phone was unoccupied. I dialed his number and listened to the consecutive rings before he finally answered.

"Ah yes, is this Lee Seo Ho from yesterday?" was the first thing he said.

"The one and only," I joked, and I was grateful when he laughed, for I regretted uttering the joke the second the words passed through my lips.

"How convenient, I was just on my way to the fairgrounds," he informed me.

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