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"congratulations to me for winning!" jungwon exclaimed as he lifted his glass of vodka in the air, all his other friends (including sunoo) following the action. sunoo knew he was a bad drinker, 2-3 glasses and he's done for.

however he had no plans of stopping today. of course he would celebrate his best friend achieving something to do with his passion. his cheeks were flushed red as he laid his head on his arm, tapping his fingers as he already felt really drowsy and his head started aching.

"isa, jungwon. i'm going home!" he exclaimed as he bid his goodbye to the two, stumbling out of the bar as he leaned against the door frame and pulled his phone out, dialling the first contact he could.

"hey! pick me up please, at **** bar." his words were slurred as he was trying his best to hold himself up.

"sunoo?" sunghoon said confused, realising that sunoo was drunk therefore telling him to stay where he was as he quickly grabbed his keys and slipped his shoes on. he was in the middle of finishing up some work, still in his business attire except his blazer and tie were discarded.

he reached there in a few minutes as he quickly parked wherever it was available, which was 'conveniently' near the bar. he rushed to the younger and cupped his face to check if he was hurt anywhere, shaking his head as he quickly but carefully put him on his back.

"ahh sunghoon hyungg, it's you," sunoo said, wrapping his arms around the older's neck as he dug his head in his neck, as if he was inhaling his scent.

"sunoo if you know you can't handle alcohol well why did you have this much," the ceo scolded quietly as he gently placed him in the passenger seat, doing his seatbelt for him before he quickly hopped in himself.


sunghoon placed sunoo on his bed and made him comfortable, tucking him into bed and slowly walking away so he didn't make any noise. however his movements came to a halt when he felt his wrist get pulled suddenly, his face only inches away from sunoo.

"you know what i like sir? i lik..."

his words came out as a mumble as his head fell on the taller's shoulder, indicating he either fell asleep or passed out. sunghoon walked away again and sat on the couch sighing, his feelings for sunoo hitting him. he hated when that happened because he was already convinced sunoo didn't return any romantic feelings for him and all these times he got flustered or shy were merely because of his teasing.

he just got under the blanket which he laid out on the sofa for himself and turned his back towards the bed, trying his hardest to fall asleep.

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