Chapter 1

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Summer was drawing to a close, only a few days left. Sirius and James lay on the roof of the Potters house looking at the cloudless sky. "This is gonna be a hell of a year, I feel it" James said. "Yeah, I just can't wait to see Remus' it feels like he's been in Romania for years" Sirius replied. "Yeah well before you see him you may need to clean yourself up you need a haircut" James replied. "No I don't your just annoyed you can pull this off" Sirius replied as he shoved James.

A few minutes later they heard the call of Dinner from Mrs Potter and the two slid on the top of the roof to the edge before jumping. They ran inside breathing in the smell of the spaghetti they had been promised. "I think we should just keep you two here forever" Mrs Potter commented and the boys laughed. The summer was awesome but to see the others would be even better.

The day before September 1st Sirius and James met with Peter to get there school supplies for the start of there 6th year at Hogwarts. "I hate that were not going to be in as many classes together as before" Peter sighed. "Yeah, but we still have a few" James mentioned. After gathering there items the two boys said goodbye to Peter and went back home.

The whistle of the Hogwarts express blew as James and Sirius clambered onto the train pulling there trunks with them and Sirius almost dropping his owl Otter in the process. They went straight for there sacred spot, the compartment they were in every year. They slid there trunks into the storage next to it as they saw Peter making some first years leave the carriage. The two walked in and did there ritual of touching the initials they had carved onto a post there. PP, JP, SB, RL. Sirius stood up on the seats pushing a small bag with his uniform in it, into over head storage. He heard the doors slide open and he turned in a instant.

"Lily!" James litrealy yelled as he wrapped his arms around the redhead. "I saw you two weeks ago" she laughed plopping down. "Hey Evans" Sirius chuckled and slammed his bag all the way back with a bang.

The train started to move and Sirius for a second was scared Remus' wasn't on it and then the doors slid open and in a instant he jumped down from where he stood and was met face to face with the boy of his dreams.

Well not exactly face to face.

It had hit him like a brick, the boy who was once shorter then him who he would use to use his head to lean on had shot up. He was now about four inches taller then Sirius and it shocked Sirius but he also found it hot that in a matter of seconds from shock his face had turned a deep shade of red.

Remus' to was a bit surprised by Sirius' new appearance. He had pierced one ear and it had a few earrings. Two hoops and one a moon. He wore a leather jacket and ripped jeans and his hair was longer now touching his shoulders.

"You two have been stood for two minutes now" Peter commented and it helped the two flash back into reality. They sat down almost falling onto one another. Luckily the other three broke into a conversation so they could turn to one another. "I've missed you" Sirius smiled taking Remus' hand in his and kissed it. "Me too Pads" Remus' smiled. "You grew, I like it" Sirius commented. "Yeah your the small one now" Remus' replied and Sirius just rolled his eyes.

They finnaly arrived at Hogwarts and the feasts and announcements were given and soon they went off to the common rooms. Many cleared out quickly stuffed from there meal. James and Lily shared a chair and so did Remus and Sirius.

They were talking and after a bit Peter blurted out "Me and Marlene McKinnon have started dating". There were whoops and awws spread around. "How did it start?" Lily asked. "Well we started writing over the summer and then after awhile I asked her out and she said yes so that's why I was so busy most the time" he replied. "Well I think you two will be cute together" Lily replied.

Soon they went off to bed the next day was Sunday so only one day of fun until classes began. Sirius had just finished tying his hair into a bun when Otter swooped in dropping a letter infront of him. The boys were all clambering into bed and he didn't want to turn any lights on to annoy them so he said he would be back in a minute and went down the stairs and sat by the fire pulling the piece of paper out the envelope.

Shock went threw him in seconds as he was met with the all to familiar writing of his mother's. It had been over a year since he had seen her and hadn't received any letters since. He sighed and began to read.

Dear Sirius,

I want you to know that you are a disgrace. Your father is rotting because of you and your brother comes home every once in awhile injured from ministry men and it is your fault. And now after a recent visit from a freind who has a son at Hogwarts I've heard of your relationship with a werewolf, a boy werewolf. Have you no shame, we raised you and kept you alive and now you've done this. I should of written long ago but I was to disgusted to contact you. But I know now that my days have become numbered, I am ill but I still have alot of to say.

So one thing you need to know is that everything you care about everyone will leave, as they will soon realise what a horrible person you are and you deserve no love.

Walburga Black.

Sirius was silent yet he wanted to scream so much. He went upstairs and got into bed and covered his face with his blanket.

He believed she was right and he still held the letter in his grip stuffling his sobs.

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