Chapter 13

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When Remus awoke and his remembrance of the previous day came to mind he jolted out of bed. Peter and James were still snoozing and he found that Sirius bed was empty. Not caring to switch clothes he grabbed the mauraders map and looked for where Sirius was at this early time. He finnaly spotted the boys name at the astronomy tower and began to make his way towards that direction.

He found Sirius along a cigarette in-between his fingers as he leant against the railings. The taller boy came up behind him and hugged him close. "Hey Moony" Sirius replied but it wasn't with his normal cheerful tone. "What's wrong pads?" The werewolf asked. "Nothing" he replied back. "Sirius" Remus replied moving so he was beside the other boy. "Your smoking which you rarely do only when your upset, so what's wrong?" He asked again. Sirius turned to meet Remus' gaze saying "I'm not going to die, well anytime soon right, I don't seem like the kind of person who would die this early on into life, I think...." He said trailing off. "Off course not Sirius my guess is you'll live as long as Dumbledore" Remus said even the thought of it made his stomach churn. Sirius chuckled a bit "Yeah I guess" he smiled a bit.

"Your not going to die any time soon, I'm hoping eventhough you hit your head pretty hard you will remember that" Remus said and Sirius nodded in reply, hopefully.

They went to breakfast and were soon met by the overjoyed trio of James,Peter and Lily. The post came and Sirius first received a package from otter it was from the potters a get well soon package in a way topped with homemade biscuits and sweets. After James stared at it for over ten seconds Sirius laughed and gave him some. Then another bird arrived this was quite surprising. This owl was black but with a silvery-grey tint on the edge of most of its feathers. On its leg was a piece of paper folded in half but without a envelope. He untied it from the owls leg and opened it.

On it read five words 'You striked, round two begins'. He turned to Remus and Peter "Please don't tell me you've put something in the pumpkin juice again" he said now debating not to drink his. He was replied with a confused look from all so he passed the note to Remus and they all peered over his shoulder to read. "Which one of you is trying to prank me?" He asked. "Sirius if this isn't a prank, this sounds like a threat" Remus said. Sirius stood up and gulped down his pumpkin juice which seemed to have gone warm after waiting there so long. "I think your just trying to steer me away from the truth, I have my eyes on all of you" he said walking slowly backwards.

Things then started to disorientate. What the hell was happening was the only question that could flow through his mind.

Remus was smiling at Sirius at his craziness the thought of this being a threat pushed to the back of his head until Sirius then stopped walking backwards, swayed once, then twice, Remus was already out his chair at this point, then a third before falling back to the ground.

He ran over the others quickly tailing behind him a bunch of student seemed to have formed a circle around him so when they all finnaly pushed past them they could see Sirius had gone a deathly pale nothing a concussion could of done to him. It had only been about ten seconds since he had hit the floor but he then sat up bolt right the colour flowing back to his face the tiniest bit as he said allowed "The cup" before falling back down his colour departing from his face again.

He was brought to the hospital wing not long after, Madam Pompfrey told them to let him rest and she would get to the bottom of this. The group decided themselves they would get to the bottom of what 'the cup' meant.

They sat in the library just before dinner when James then shouted "THE CUP!" Lily sighed "We know Janes it's what were trying to figure out" she replied bluntly. "No remember last year when he had Divination and then his cup it was poisoned by Regulus, what if he drank that pumpkin juice, fainted, realised it had the same taste and told up as much as he could, round two it's means...." He trailed of. "Regulus is back and Sirius didn't just faint he's been poisoned" Lily said. They were up in seconds, there destination, the hospital wing. When they got there their eyes were filled with the horror of seeing there freind violently thrashing still in a unconscious state, but he seemed to be in some unbearable pain and Madam Pompfrey was doing as best as she could but it seemed to be no use.

"He's poisoned!" Peter yelled out he seemed to be the only one who could gather words. Madam Pompfrey seemed to use this as a grip now a bit of knowledge of the situation and she conjured a potion into the air in seconds she was pouring it down Sirius' throat in seconds and he seemed to stop what seemed like a fit. He sat up in a jolt, panting as his arms shook holding himself up. They ran over. Remus took his head and buried it in his chest as he sat on the edge of the bed as Sirius tried to steady his breathing. Lily, James and Peter were finding there way to form words to tell madam Pompfrey what they knew. "It's ok, it's ok" was the only words Remus could repeatedly muster as he tried to calm Sirius. "It hurts, It hurts so much" was all Sirius could reply with as Remus held his head and stroked him hair.

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