Well, This is Me

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I was hanging out with a friend at her apartment, and we decided to make tacos while starting The Phantom of The Opera. I had my wheelchair and all my other medical stuff with me. We started talking and misty asked "if Erik was real and you somehow met him, what would you say? I'd tell him that I'd love him and that he's my favorite." I..I I'd tell him th.th. (sigh) that I was sorry for showing up randomly and that I won't be much of a bother. "Booo!" Yea, I kn oww, but let's say that ever did happen, well then, I'd be in his time period and I'd have to act like any otthherr person, pl plus if it would be a big enough adjustment to. We talked ate and watched the movie. After dinner I got in my car and went home. When I got home I got ready for bed, put my neuropathy cream on and pjs on, and went to bed. I woke up the next morning and got ready for work and went to the recording studio. In the studio I helped some artists record and they even got me to play with them a little bit for fun. After work I went to a hospital for a little bit to play the guitar for some of the peds (pediatric) kids. I went in and played a few songs for them and then left to go home, when I suddenly fell and everything went black

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