The Next Day

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I woke up to knocking on my door. I opened it and it was Meg and Christine asking if I was ready for breakfast. I told them to wait for a little bit and got ready. I put on a beige ruffled off the shoulder dress on along with some some beige flats. I got my black mp3 player before leaving then we left to get breakfast with the girls.

Meg and Christine looked at each other then one of them asked me what this thing was and points to the mp3 player. I told them what it was and meg took it from my hands and looked at it. "What does it do?" It plays music wwhhennyouputthse in. I held up the earbuds. I'll show you once we get breakfast. They nodded and they grabbed one of my arms to steady me. I then heard christine say at least your awake now, you slept for two days. I asked if she was serious and meg pipes up and confirmed what christine said.  Once we sat down at a table with our food I put the mp3 player down and they immediately grabbed the earbuds and and fought for who went first. I stopped them before they could break the earbuds and told meg to put one in her left ear and Christine to put the other in her right ear. They did and told me to play something so I played you were loved by one republic and gryffen. They looked amazed and in awe. When that song ended Christine told me to play another song so I put on rescue me by one republic. When the song ended we finished our meals and I got the earbuds back and we went to work. But before we left I heard meg tell Christine good luck on her new position so I asked what they were talking about. It embarrased christine but she said that she got promoted to prima donna yesterday. I congradulated her and told her good luck, put my mp3 player/earbuds in my pocket, then went to go do my job. Someone tapped my shoulder and I turned in that direction and saw someone who I assumed was a stage hand by his messy clothes. He introduced himself and so did I. His name was Chris and he was a well built 5'3" man with an olive skin tone and wavy brown hair, some stubble on his face, and hazel eyes. When everyone was done with there work Christine and Meg came running up to me and asked me to go with them. They had to reassure me that it was okay to go. I reluctantly followed them to the pre madonna's room and was told to take a seat. I was nervous because I knew that the phantom could be watching us. They asked where I got my little black box that plays music. I told you guys at breakfast, it's from where I'm from. "Yea, but where is that?" I gulped and asked her to try to believe it, which got a puzzled look from her but she nodded. I told her that I was from the future. She laughed but quickly stopped when she saw my serious face. "Oh, your serious?" Yes! Hell, this proves it! She hugged me and I started to cry from being overwhelmed. Once I was calmed down enough she said that she believed me. Really? "Yes, something in your eyes tells me that your telling me the truth, and you seem very trustworthy to." "I believe and trust that your telling the truth to, said meg." Thanks, but can you please keep this to yourselves? It's really important. They looked at each other then Christine spoke up and said "you have our words that we will." Then they asked where I was from and how I got here. I told them the last thing that I remembered and then asked them about their backgrounds. We talked a little bit about each other when meg started shaking me. I asked why she was shaking me and she said that I was staring again. We left for dinner then I went back to my room and got ready for bed. The next morning I woke up to a note on my little bedside table

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