I Don't Know What To Title This

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Staring into a guys eyes...well, one eye, and, and a white mask? He asked me if I was ok, and I looked at him confused. I said yes, and he looked at me weirdly. I very shakily got up and almost fell again. I could feel him grab me and ask if I was sure. Yes, monsiour. I tried to leave and told him, sorry, monsiour, I'll j ust go and leave you  to, leave you to it. He grabbed me while saying "Girl, you're not going anywhere right now." Just then I see a lake and I vaguly remember where I've seen this before. Of course, it was his layer, his home. Ok, so why am I here? Girl, I just want to make sure you're ok. From what I've seen of you, you seem nice but you seem to struggle a lot here. What can I do to help you while you're here? I don't think you can help, but thank you though. He asked "how'd you get here? From what madam giry told me you kind of just appeared and the managers gave you a job. Yea, that's pretty much it. "Where'd you come from? I heard you tell Christine and her friend that you're from the future yes?" Yyess monsure. I realize that you're probably thinking. that I'm mad. And I wouldn't blame you. My heart started racing so I sat down and he sat beside me. How'd you get here? I don't know. What do you do in your own time? I would try to make music and play music for kids. His eyes lit up and asked what musical instrument I play so I told him the guitar. He looked confused and asked "what's that?" I tried to describe it to him and he seemed fascinated. What's that? I tried to explain it to him and then I just asked if he had some paper and a quill. I tried to draw what it looked like. He asked what that black thing was that I kept carrying so I pulled it out and showed him. I played rescue me by one republic and his eyes lit up. Once that song ended he gave it back to me and took me back up. It looked really weird to see this in real life then just on a screen. Once we were back on the surface I said bye to him then went to my room. I was suprised and relieved when I saw my meds there. I also found my guitar case on my bed. I checked the time and changed my dress, got my meds and went downstairs. "Hey, how was your night?" Meg asked. It was fine. I ate my food with my meds and meg freaked out. DIANA, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! Sshh, Meg, it's finen. Don't worry, it's just medicine. She seemed to relax a little. Later while I was working I saw madam giry and one of the managers approach me and she looked confused mostly and one of the managers had my guitar case in their hand. "Diana, come with me." I followed them to the managers office, and madam giry asked me what these were and held out the meds. I gulped and told her that these were medically necessary for me and that she doesn't have to worry about that. "Great, see madam giry, nothing to worry about." Mr firmin said. He then pulled the case out and asked me what this is. It's a musical instrument called a guitar, sir. "Can you play it?" Yes, sir. "Oh, can you play something for us later Mademoiselle?" Um, sure. "Marvelous! I'll bring it by the stage later." Later I was about to go back to my room when I was told to come to the stage. I went to the stage and saw the case up on the stage. "Can you play something for us with this instrument?" I looked around and saw everyone watching me. Sure, but I need to tune it first. I sat criss cross on the stage and asked someone to play certain keys on the piano until it was in tune. Is there anything specific you want me to play monsiour? "No, play something you know." Ok. I got ready then played nobody's home by Avril Lavigne, but they didn't need to know that.

I got lost in playing again till I was done and everyone was clapping and cheering. I got up and put the guitar away and was about to leave when Charlotta pulled me into her arms and hugged me. Brava, brava, brava! Ou re very talented. "Ve ave to stick tugether." Uh thanks, Charlotta. I was then hugged by Chris and congratulated by him. Thanks Chris. "Mademoiselle, we would love to have you play at the masquerade." Mr. Firmin said.  Oh, no, I couldn't monsieur's. I couldn't take away from the party. "Nonsense! So it's settled, you'll play at the masquerade!" Christine and meg yanked me away and congratulated me. They had me go back to my room and asked to see my guitar. I showed them it and they seemed fascinated with it. My guitar is the same one Avril used in the video above. They asked me to show them a little bit so I tried to show them how to play some basic chords. Once they left I saw a door from the wall open and Erik opened it. "Mademoiselle, that was amazing. Can you come play something for me? I was shocked but agreed. Once we were back in his layer I asked him what he wanted me to play and he gave me music of the night. I set up and started playing  with my guitar. It was unreal to be playing something for him much less one of his own songs. Once that was over he offered me some tea and I declined. You know madam giry told me about what she found in your room. I looked away and he said "hey, it's alright but if you needed medicine, you could've said something and we would've given you something." Thank you, but it's specialized for me. And it's to treat specific things, not just your common cold, monsieur. "Just call me Erik." Ok. "Is there anything else interesting about you mademoiselle?" Diana. And not really, except that I have a vehicle of my own. "Oh, you have your own carrige?" Well n no. It's like a carriage but it only has two wheels and it doesn't use horses. "he looked at me in amusement and wonder. Well, perhaps I'll see it someday?" Heh, maybe. Just then I yawned and heard him say, come, Diana, you must return. Thank you Erik. I grabbed my guitar and we left. The next day I was sitting in la Carlotta's dressing room and she just offered me to go with her to get a dress for the masquerade. After a little back and forth she had me in her carriage with her and we went to a tailor. I had a couple measurements taken and I chose an emerald green color. She had me say what kind of shoes I wanted and jewelry and we left. Thanks Chalotta, I'll try to pay you back for this. Aahh, ets noting Diana. We talented people neez tu stick tugetzer, no? I looked out the window and went back to my room once I was back. A few days later Charotta comes to my door and hands me two boxes. She tell me to open em and I do. The dress and shoes were beautiful. I hung up the dress and put the boots under it. I went out later that day and looked for a mask and settled on a black half face one and I asked if they could put some emerald green dots on it and showed them what I meant. Later that day Erik dropped by and we talked for a little bit and I try to teach him a little guitar which he was picking up pretty quickly. I also tried to teach Carlotta to sing with this instrument and she was really liking it. My meds were doing their jobs. That night I was watching the play but had to leave because the play was starting to become too much. I went up to the roof and went to sit behind a statue. I was listening to the sounds coming from below before I blacked out. Once I woke up and could move I couldn't see but I could vaguely hear someone coming up so I tried sitting up. I don't know if I did though. I eventually heard two people coming out here and say something. That wwent in for a little bit and I thought I heard something. I heard mumbling, then silence, then suddenly a loud booming voice. Once the voice quieted down I couldn't tell if it was me or them but I heard a strange strangled sound and then maybe a minute later, I felt a warm pressure on my shoulders and heard a muffled voice and then felt like I was being shaked. Eventually my vision came back slowly and I saw a very blurry outline of Erik slowly come into focus. He had a really worried look on his face and he kept trying to say things that I didn't understand. Next thing I knew, I was being picked up and we were moving quickly. I felt like I was being set down somewhere but was too weak to move. I then felt movement and when we stopped again, I was being lifted up and taken somewhere else. Eventually I was able to see clearly and hear clearly again although very confused. "Diana! Oh thank goodness your back! I just looked at him confused. He told me he found me with my eyes apparently rolled back into my head and I couldn't respond to anything, even when I was looking back at him. I tried to get up but he gently held me in place. Woah. You're not going anywhere right now. Sleep. He didn't have to tell me twice. When I woke up again I was covered with something. He took me up to the surface and I was bombarded with questions from Christine and Meg about what happened to me. A couple days later it was time for the masquerade ball. I put on my dress, shoes, and mask. The dress was designed so that it was a low cut (like Christines) that clung to my upper body and pushed my breasts up, the sleeves were going to be down to my elbows in a lose off the shoulder type thing (the sleeves on robins wedding dress in how I met Your Mother), clung to my hips and flowed outward into a ruffled ballgown. It also had a small sash around the waist that I wanted to be black. I also picked out a pair of black forearm gloves and an emerald green bracelet and put my black lacy boots on and black mask (that had two rows of Emarald green dots going across the forehead and two rows going down the nose vertically.  You look beautiful Diana. Thanks Charlotta, and so do you. Ey Know tat zI look good. Let's go now. I grabbed my guitar and we left. Once the party was getting started I was asked to come up and play something. I sat on the step and decided to play a cover of one last breath.

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