Arriving at the Opera House

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I woke up in a big and strange room and with a few blurry people around me. I could barely hear anything, and everything was spinning. A guy helped me sit up and asked me who I was and what I was doing here. I told him I-I do on't know. I looked around and asked if I came back to someone tapping my shoulder. I was getting weird looks, so I looked around in a little confusion. Just then, another guy walked up and asked me asked where I was from, and it took me a minute to realize he asked something. S orryy, what didd you ask? He asked again and I told him that I couldn't remember. He was dressed nice, so I assumed he ran this place. He offered me a job, and I accepted. "Madam Giry will show you to your room." I heard and looked over to madam giry who looked hesitant but nodded anyways. She escorted me to my room and told me to sit down on my bed. Later, after the doctor came to check on me, and he had many questions for me to, I saw madam giry again but with the two girls from before. One had long curly brown hair, and the other had shorter blonde hair. They introduced themselves. The girl with curly hair was christine and the one with blonde hair was meg and apparently christine was going to be helping me for the next few days. They walked with me to the manager's office, but I was really shaky and kept stumbling over my own feet, and they were both holding onto an arm to help keep me upright, which was embarrassing enough. Christine asked timidly what was wrong and if I was ok. I said yes, so I explained the best I could. I have tight muscles in my neck and th thesee help with that. She looked at me weirdly, and so did meg. I heard Meg ask why I talk the way that I do, and christine scolded Meg. "What? I can't ask her a question?" I told christine that it was fine and explained that it was a neuralogical thing, but that didn't help their confusion any. In fact, it only made it worse. She then asked why my head was like that, so I explained the best I could. Basically, I have tight muscles in my neck, and that's why I hold my head like this. We reached the manager's office and I knocked. When they told me to come in, they looked up and smiled at me, then started talking to me about a job that I could do. I said that I could possibly be a maid for this place. They agreed and had me sign a contract. "You can pick up your check at the end of the week at the front of the stage and all your meals are free." I thanked him, and he nodded. I, christine, and Meg turned to leave when the managers called my na and asked if I was ok. I said yes and then left with Meg and Christine. They talked with me a little bit more about life in the opera house, and then they left to go to bed. I got ready for bed and cried myself to sleep, wondering how the hell I'm going to manage here. At least my own time period was familiar, and I had my necessary medical equipment/adequate medical care if I needed it. I don't know how I'm even going to manage my disability here, especially since I apparently time travled into the movie the phantom of the opera and im pretty sure that none of them would even know what I was talking about, and I'm not about to look crazy in front of all these people, or even more so than I probably already do

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