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It's been a few weeks since the whold don Julian opera, and honestly, things have been very blurry and fuzzy since that night. DAMN IT ERICK! I told you that I wouldn't do the opera and you didn't give me another choice. I had some botox put into my neck when I was out. And apparently, I was only out for two days when it felt like it was months. Hmm, I guess there was a weird time difference thing going on. That or I just drempt it all. Misty came in and got me from the hospital, and we went to her apartment to hang out. I was out of it, so she just put on a movie quitely. What movie did she pick out? You guessed it, phantom of the opera. We made some food and watched and talked. Once I got back to my apartment, though I was so tired that I just went to bed. A few weeks later, I have an appointment set up with a seizure neurologist, so I go to that after work. That appointment was basically a first-time patient meeting. A couple of months went by, and misty picked me up from my apartment, and we went to the park. We heard music from far away somewhere and we just listened for a little bit before misty spoke up and asked if she could play something before they packed up and she squealed when they said yes. She smirked at me then started playing the phantom of the opera and eventually, I tuned out and just rested my head on my knees. Next thing I know, I'm being pulled up and yanked into someone's arms and hugged. I looked up in surprised to see Erick. Next thing I know, I'm on the ground, cant really see anything and I feel like I'm shaking a lot and I hear noises. I stop shaking and feel someone pick me up and start walking. I hear a gasp and then feel something soft. My vision is slowly coming back and I feel someone rubbing my hair and face. I don't know how much later but I come back and see we're in an apartment, my apartment. I heard my friend say, hey, you need to be accessed to your port for tomorrow. Ok. I went to my room and Erick followed me. "Dianna, what are you doing?" I'm accessing my port. "Ok. Can I help?" No, you don't know how it works. I accessed my port and he gasped when he saw me shove the needle in. I was wiped and we all went to bed. The next day I woke up and got ready. Just then I felt arms around me and a voice wispered, "where are we off to?" I looked at him confused. "What, did you think I'd leave you alone?" I grabbed my bag and we left. 30 minutes later we arrived at a big building and I heard Erick gasp. We went inside and he gasped again which made me chuckle. Are you ready to see how further along our medicine is? He just looked astonished. I pushed the button for the elevator, and we went to the correct floor. I checked in at reception and we waited till I was called back. We went back and I had to change again into a hospital gown. Then I had an IV placed and I had electrodes placed and of course Erick had questions. Once the electrodes were placed I had a physical and neurological exam then was left alone with Erik

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