The Cemetery

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I was woke up by a knock at my door and I just wanted to go back to bed but the knocking kept coming so I groaned and got up to answer the door. I was wondering who it was and then I saw that it was Christine. I asked her tiredly what she was doing here. She explained that she wanted me to come to the cemetery with her and wouldn't leave me alone until I finally agreed to come with. Ok, I'll come with you. She squealed happily and hugged me She offered to help me pick out a dress and I agreed. She came in and stopped at my bed asking what it all this and she pointed to my bed. I came over to see and couldn't believe it at first. I picked up the jacket and I held it close, sniffing it, and doing the same with the pants. I grinned and immediately knew that my bike was here to. "What are you thinking?" That I'm going to ride my bike down to the cemetery. She looked confused and I just got my phone and earbuds and turned them on. Christine asked what was in this weird bag thing so, I showed her. She looked at it weird so I explained what it was and was for. I also put my gloves inside the helmet and then unlocked my phone to show her the picture of the bike. She looked in awe and told me to bring it with. Can you take this with you and bring it to the stables with you? "Yes." I caught a scream in my mouth and thanked her. Now go get changed, I'll meet you down there. she came over to see what I was looking at. I ran to the bathroom to pee and brush my teeth. I went over to the armwar. My excitement grew when I saw some of my clothes, MY CLOTHES, FROM MY TIMELINE ARE HERE!! I picked a black cami with a mauve purple hoodie. I grabbed a bra and some underwear to. I changed into clothes. Then I grabbed some socks and my boots. 

This is my motorcycle outfit: (The hoodie is a mauve purple color)

This is my motorcycle outfit: (The hoodie is a mauve purple color)

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