After Hanibal

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We got up and went to breakfast at a cafe since we had the day off, and christine was telling us about a man who took her to his underground cave on a boat. Just then, another guy came and said hi to us. He was one of the guys that I vaguely remember seeing that first day. He asked how I was, and we started talking. I (again) got dizzy. The next thing I know, though, I'm waking up someplace different. The guy from earlier was sitting by me and asked if I was ok. I said yes and asked him if we could go back to the opera house, but he refused. He left for a minute and came back with a doctor, I'm assuming. After I was checked over, he had me eat before we left, and then we left. We left and got talking. By the time I got back to the operahouse and to my room, I saw another letter. I opened it and read


I saw christine last night, as i'm pretty sure she'll tell you all about it. She also asked me about you on our way back up. I'd really like to meet you. She tells me that you're really nice but that your voice is a little bit strange to her. I must admit that as a vocal coach, I'm intrigued by what she meant


I went to christine's room and asked about what she said and when she looked confused I showed her the letter. She read it and grinned. She asked me to come to her music lesson with him next time. I said that I didn't want to because it's her time with him, not mine. I looked at her and told her that I thought that it was strange that a guy was following her around by the sounds of it. I thought that I heard two different gasps. I left and went to go back to my room when I ran back into chris. We started to talk, and I could feel my heart start to race, so I squatted. I was surprised because Chris wrapped his arms around me and just sat right beside me. "Hey, are you okay? Do you need anything?" Do you guys have any pickles and salt packets, and he said yes and that he'd be right back. He came back later with some pickles and salt, and I thanked him. I ate the pickles, which made him look at me a little weird, but he didn't say anything. Once I was done, he commented that I look a little bit better, though. He asked where I was from and what I did before coming here, so I told him where I came from. It took a little convincing, but I was able to convince him that I was from the future. We talked for a little bit more. He told me where he was from and some other things about himself. He asked me about the future and what my life is like, and I told him a little bit. As I was falling asleep, I had a very vivid dream where a guy in a white mask covering the left side of his face was coming out of a door in the wall in my room and just staring at me. He went to go touch my face, and my body instinctively smiled a little bit, and so did the guy. I then heard faint beeping and followed the sound of it, and a white light grew. I saw myself in a hospital bed, hooked up to monitors and an eeg. After a little bit of trying to listen to what the doctors were saying, I chose to go back to the man and see if he was still there. He was, and he was also stroking my forehead/cheek. He seemed to be really interested in something by his facial expressions. Next thing I know, I'm waking up and going through the same old routine that i've gotten into. Once I was done with work though, christine came up to me and asked me to come with her to her dressing room. Thinking nothing of it, I did. Suddenly the room felt a little more cold and I heard a guys voice. I heard the guy speak. Who do we have here with us, christine. I sat down on the floor because my muscles were starting to hurt. "Girl, are you alright?" Yes. Then the mirror door starts to open. The next thing I know, the guy from my dream last night came out of the freaking mirror! I vaguly caught his and Christine's expressions before burying my head in my hands. The next thing I know, I feel a gloved hand on my shoulder asking if I was ok. I said yes and went to stand back up but stumbled forward. My ears were ringing, and I heard someone ask vaguly if i was ok. I said yes and she asked if I could come with them and I refused. No cri sstin. I don't want to take away your, your... uuhh... Ah, never mind. I said frustrated that I couldn't even remember what I was trying to say. Im not gonna get in the wa y of you guyss. The last thing I rem was stumbling backward and falling, and then trying to stumble out of her dressing room andback tomine andfalling asleepwithmy clothes still on. The next thing I knew, I was waking up in some kind of weird bed thing and in an even weirder place. I heard some very vuage noises, so I just decided to stay where I was and try to listen in. I still felt very dizzy and disoriented, so I shut my eyes and tried to get my head to stop spinning. I decided to get up and try to see where I was. I stumbled over my own feet and fell. I suddenly felt hands around me, pulling me up. We locked eyes, and both of us gasped

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