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I woke up the next morning, still very out of it. I got dressed in a haze when I vaguely heard a knock on the door. I opened it to see christine and meg. Mornin gi rlss. I heard one of them ask if I was ok, I just nodded. I got the letter and asked christine if she could read it to me and she reluctantly agreed. I sat down as she opened the letter and asked if I was sure. I nodded and she started reading the letter out loud.


I saw you around today and you looked off. I feel like I must tell you again, if there is anything you need, just write me and tell me. I will send someone to help you with anything that you require. really doesn't look like you are well right now. I want you to be comfortable here. You seem to be very interesting indeed. I have my eyes on you.


Meg gasped, and Christine put the letter back and helped me up, and then we went down for breakfast. We sat down and started eating before Meg blurted out, so I guess you caught the attention of the opera ghost. I don't know if I should be scared for you or jealous of you. I know id be scared if I had his attention. Me and christine both chocked on our food and said her name at the same time. Why would it even matter if I had this OG's attention and why *sudden bout of dizziness hits* it would be a bad thing for th em to n OT ice me? I got weird looks and tried to go back to eating when I couldn't, so I ended up just leaving and going to work. After my work was done, I went to wish christine good luck for her performance tonight and reasure her that she was going to do great. I went back to my dorm and laid down just to rest to see if I could get the dizziness under control. The next thing I knew, I was waking up. Oh shit, I need to get downstares and see christine's performance. I vuagly saw the girls end of performance and clapped for her. After hanibal, Meg went to find christine while I caught my breath. After I caught my breath, I shakely went to her dressing room and congratulated her. Then Meg asked me to spend the night, I agreed and we had a sleepover

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