Final Rehearsal Before Hannibal

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I opened the note and read it. The note read:


I don't know of you but I caught you while you were on your way to dinner last night with two other girls and I just thought that I'd introduce myself. I'm the owner of this opera house. From what I've seen you seem like a lovely person. If there is anything you need from me just write me and give it to madame giry. She'll give it to me. I look forward to hopefully meeting you in the future and getting to know you.

Your obedient servant,


I read the note and heard a knock so I quickly got dressed and put the note in my pocket before opening the door. Meg and Christine helped me to the kitchen and we ate breakfast and according to Christine, I zoned out again. I was a little out of it and left to go start working. I was working and the next thing I remember is waking up with Chris behind me and one of the managers coming up beside me and asking if I was ok and I said yes. He sent me back to my room for the rest of the day and I quickly went to sleep, when I woke up I saw the note again and decided to right the mysterious OG back.

Hi OG,

I got your letter and it's nice to meet you to, in a way that is, and thank you for your words. I'm not sure that it's a good idea for us to meet though. Thanks for the offer of help though


I was still really tired and confused so I just signed the letter and laid it on top of an envelope and went back to sleep. I woke up the next morning and got ready. Then, like yesterday, I heard a knock, and opened the door to find meg and Christine. I vaguly remembered the letter and ran to get it but I didn't see it. I decided to just leave it and go to breakfast with the girls. I was really struggling to focus on anything so I just quietly ate my breakfast and then left to get started on my work. That day was just a big blur and I could barely hear anything. When I got back to my room I looked at my desk, because, I don't know, maybe the letter I wrote somehow just showed up there. Nope, instead there was an envelope with a red skull there. I didn't remember putting my letter in an envelope, but I couldn't think about it anymore. I got in my nightgown and went to bed. I'll look at the letter in the morning

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