grian proposes a game

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mumbo stood with a grimace on his face, huffing slightly and wiping his brow, in front of him lay a new red stone machine he was working on, it was supposed to give endless moss  but every time he turned it on all the thing did was sputter and  groan before hacking out smoke and falling silent. mumbo was tired and a little miffed. he couldn't find a fault in any of his red stone wires or repeaters yet it remained useless.  red stone dust covered his hands and stained his once crisp white shirt, his shoes had been discarded a while ago out of annoyance, they now lay a little while away by a rock he previously threw them at. his hair was messy and stuck out at odd angles. his dark eyes scanned the machine for what felt like the 100th time. still finding nothing out of the ordinary.

groaning in defeat he sat down on the soft grass with a thump sighing and placing his face between his knees.   he began picking at the daisys unlucky enough to be within his grasp, soon running it all over in his head every piston and repeater, the dispensers even the lever! surfing his mind for the answer, slowly swamping himself.

his pleasant tranquility was soon interrupted by a certain mischievous bird.
"BOO" someone shouted pouncing on top of the raven haired man, mumbo let out a yelp of shock before scrambling to his feet and confronting the attacker, fists raised he looked down at the avian in fits of giggles, curled on the ground tightly holding his stomach.

"oh grian you really have to stop doing that, i'll die of a heart attack soon" mumbo grumbled.  arms now tightly crossed while staring daggers at his friend. his face contorted into one of annoyance although the fondness in his eyes gave him away.

"i-i- i'm sorry.... it was too good .... an opportunity to miss" grian managed between his laughter, a large cheshire cat grin plastered on his face. his sandy brown hair bounced on his head as he laughed and little freckles dotted his cheeks like stars, he wrapped himself up in his wings, giggling even more when he caught sight of mumbos face.

"so, did you come here purely to scare the living daylights out of me or do you need something" mumbo asked tapping his foot and feigning impatience.

grian calmed down and pushed himself up off the ground, dusting down his woolly red jumper.
"ah yes. well i was just wondering if you'd be up for a game of chicken?"

"chicken??" mumbo asked "is that some really poor bird joke?"

"no no, so basically we dare one another stupid stuff until the other gives in and can't do it. that makes them the chicken, and the chicken owes the other a favour." grian explained, still smiling from ear to ear.

mumbo ran his hand through his dark hair, the other hand latched to his hip. mumbo exhaled  loudly, he needed a break from this machine not to mention it meant he got to hand out with his best friend. but.  he also had to get his farm up. he really needed it for his mega base project.
"i've got quite a bit of work to do gri-"  he stated before being interrupted

"psh, chicken"
grian muttered

"what?? chicken? me?"
mumbo huffed in annoyance, knowing grian if he didn't agree to this game that name would stick.

"fine fine i'll play, I get first dare though" he said glaring daggers at grian.

"sure mumbolio"

mumbo pondered for a moment, hand on chin before snapping his fingers loudly. startling grian.

"i dare you. to dive off the highest cliff  in the world."
grian smiled. this would be easy after all he could just swoop off-

"BUT you cannot fly, you have to dive into water."
mumbo finished grinning fiendishly at grian, who stood with his mouth agape.

"you don't have to, if your too chicken"
said mumbo chuckling slightly.

grian tightened his fists and scrunched his nose.
"fine let's find this sodding cliff"

hey, hoped u liked the first chapter the updates will be pretty random so sorry for that (:
but oh well
cya xx

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