long sullen silences

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followed by mean comments followed by more sullen silences. so what's it gonna be huh? long sullen silence or mean comment?... go on... you got me in a box here. AH HA

grian opened his eyes blearily, he felt a heavy weight on his wing but didn't think much of it. he was still barely awake. he tried to think back on what happened:

he was fighting the wither. he killed the wither. he was lying on the ground. someone picked him up. he woke up at some point. his feathers were cleaned by... mumbo. by mumbo??  grian was very awake now. he wasn't mistaken, he was in mumbos house, more accurately his room.

grian unfolded his feathers revealing a sleeping mumbo.

what the hell?

he carefully removed himself from the bed and stood awkwardly. what was he  supposed to do?  it all came crashing over him as a wave of realisation dawned over grian. he asked for mumbo to clean his feathers. mumbo agreed. that was his dare though, was it out of pity? does this mean mumbo forgave him. he was so wrapped up in his thoughts he almost missed the shuffling as the redstoner began to wake.

without thinking grian darted down the stairs, crashing into a cupboard and knocking food onto the floor, he didn't stop to clean it though and instead sprinted out of the house. with his freshly cleaned wings he flew to his base, panic rising in his chest. god they should have never played this game, he thought.

once home he locked himself away in his room and began to think everything over. spiralling into a pit of anxiety.

meanwhile mumbo woke up to an empty bed. he froze. where was grian? mumbo slowly got up and ambled down the stairs, expecting to see grian in the kitchen or outside. he stopped short when his winged friend was nowhere to be seen.

mumbo looked around for a note or anything to show grian was here. the only thing out of place was his door which stood open. mumbo looked down at the spilt rice and pasta, either grian had been kidnapped or he had frantically ran out the house. but mumbo couldn't understand why grian would leave. it wasn't like him to leave or spill something without picking it up.

mumbos eyebrows furrowed as he moved about, picking up the rubbish and binning it. he decided to stop by his house after tidying the mess up first.

when mumbo dropped in front of grians house it was eerily still, normally on a sunny day grian would be pottering about, making anything he could. today there was no sight of him. mumbo chalked it up to him still feeling under the weather although he had a gut feeling it was not.

he carefully opened the door and yelled for him. no response, he did it twice more before tentatively walking into the house.

he found the bedroom and saw the window was wide open and no grian. mumbo huffed in disappointment but went to the window and looked out, he heard shuffling from above and almost fell out the window in shock, grian was on the roof above him, shuffling away... 

"grian! are you alright?"

grian didn't respond, instead opted for shuffling faster.

mumbo hoisted himself onto the roof and took small steps towards him. eventually catching up and placing an arm on his shoulder. he sat down beside the builder and looked at him, worry filled his eyes.

"what's going on? are you feeling better"

grian nodded twice but didn't utter a word. mumbo felt his forehead, he was still a little hot but not much else.

"let's go back in?"

grian blinked.

"what is going on?"
he asked bewildered.  still no answer.

"is this about the red stone machine? if it is grian then please know i care more about your health than that machine you idiot"

grian stood frozen. not knowing what to do. a look of realisation dawned on the red stoner

"just- i'm sorry, i didn't mean to make you uncomfortable or anything. if this is because i cleaned your feathers i'm sorry. they needed cleaning and i didn't mean to over step your boundaries by doing something so selfish..."

grian said nothing, he looked down at his feet refusing to meet mumbos eyes. after a few moments mumbo sighed defeatedly, he gave grian a soft pat on the shoulder then stood up.

"i- i think it's best if we stop the game"

mumbo muttered.

"talk to you later gri- i really am sorry"

and with that he was gone. grian swallowed the lump in his throat and wanted to punch himself for not saying anything. he was also consumed about why mumbo said it was a 'selfish' act.

mumbo the wad struggling not to cry as he crashed into his base. he slipped back into his bed, it felt cold without grian. he didn't sleep, it was still the middle of the day, he just lay there thinking about everything whilst staring blankly at the ceiling. he kicked himself for allowing himself to get roped into this game.

sorry for such a long wait. idk if ppl still read it. it's not proof read so. don't bully me.

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