stupid idea, stupid plan, stupid dare

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i do not own the art (:

grian pov:

this was a disaster, why was he so calm about this? i literally barely see him be affectionate toward anyone. maybe the occasional head pat or pat on the back. but never that much and NEVER flirting.
there was still time for him to back out. i just pray he will.
we were currently walking to scars base, i would fly but funnily enough my wings were soaked. not to mention i'm pretty sure i've got seaweed, sand and shells in them. uncomfortable to say the least

mumbo was humming to a song something about memes and time. i didn't quite hear it.

with little distraction i thought back to earlier this week

flash back

"hey scar i have a little favour"

"sure bud what is it?"

"well i'm gonna dare mumbo to flirt with you, if your okay with that. he will probably back out instantly but incase he doesn't i need you to fully flirt back with him"

"ah i see i see- wait what?? mumbo will never do that"

"i know but for the 1% chance he does, he will freak out if you flirt back"

"mmmm i'll do it for half a stack of diamonds and... one feather"


"those are my prices, it's fine if not... i guess you will have to find someone else to do your dirty work"

"ugh fine, here."

"aww a yellow one i wanted red ):"

"just take it"

flashback over

yeah this would work. mumbo would back out as soon as scar begins to flirt. yeah.

after a couple more minutes of walking we were 100m away from his base, wagons were everywhere. they looked pretty cool i had to admit.

"okay mumbo. off you go."

i said giving him a little push, he stumbled slightly before straightening up, sending a sly smirk to me and stalking over to scars wagon.

mumbo pov:

oh pants, oh pants, oh pants.
i am so screwed. how does someone ever flirt?? i can't do this. i'll just give in. no because then grian will win and i will never live it down. it's the first dare. i have got this.

i knock on his door, my heart is beating at an astronomical rate. the door creaked open and there stood scar, a large top hat sat on his head like a bird.

"hey scar um.. i love your build it's really amazing, almost as amazing as you,"

i cringed internally. what was that??
scar looked slightly taken aback, before a switch in his mind seemed to flick on and he smirked at me.

"oh okay mumbo, that suit looks pretty nice on you, probably look better on my bedroom floor"

i could already tell i had turned beet red
i gotta keep this up. just until grian is satisfied

"tempting offer, we could get something to eat and take it from there"

"i'll take you from anywhere"

i blinked. oh dear. if he really felt like this then this was a cruel thing to do, it would be unfair to continue, grian was watching from a tree about 50 metres away. as long as it looked like i'm flirting i could explain the situation so i don't hurt his feelings at all.

"look scar i'm really sorry, your a lovely person and a great friend, this was a mean thing to do to you and i hope you can forgive me, it was a dare from grian. i never meant to do this to you. i feel terrible really. can i make it up to you in anyway?"

i said looking at my shoes.
scar burst out laughing, i snapped my head back up, what? this is confusing.

"oh mumbo your so sincere. no i shouldn't be telling you this but i can't have you thinking you have hurt me. grian put me up to this. the idea was to get you to lose pretty quickly. but honestly from out the corner of my eye he looks fuming"

i didn't dare look behind me. i could already feel him burning a hole in the back of my head.

"shall we keep this act up then i smiled"
i was so relieved he was okay.

"sounds like fun, i'll give you a few tips too"
scar chuckled back

no ones POV:

grian was jealous, to anyone besides himself and mumbo it was clear. he was practically green from jealousy, his fists were clenched tightly as he watched scar laugh and squeeze mumbos arm, then mumbo copying his actions. this was a stupid idea, a stupid plan and a stupid dare. this hadn't helped him win at all. in fact this had made things for grian infinitely worse.

after another five minutes of this. grian came out of hiding, he stormed over to the two hermits still laughing and grabbed mumbos arm. muttering something about the dare being completed. he sent scar daggers in a death stare and dragged mumbo off. huffing, with a clenched jaw. he stopped after a while and dropped mumbos arm.

"grian are you okay? you can go rest for a bit"
mumbo said softly.
when grian looked up he almost melted.

god he was cute. not that grian thought that. it was just a know fact. or that's what he told himself.

"nah i'm fine, just impatient for my dare"
grian said feigning a laugh.

"okay if your sure... hmmmmm i dare you. to build a red stone machine to sort out your chest monster, don't worry i'll give you the supplies"

grian scrunched his face up

"ugh mumbo that's just a chore"

"are you saying you don't want to? that you give up?"

grian quickly said, before muttering
"just stupid is all"

"ok then let's start"

yay. jealous grian. my favourite lol.

idk if u feel like it tell me ur thoughts and what i should do. if u have any dares you want them to do be my guest.

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