death to mumbos favroite machine

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after the chest fiasco grian was not only pissed off but slightly embarrassed they had fallen asleep in a chest. he wanted to hit mumbo where it hurt.

it had been a couple of days since his dare and he'd cultivated the worst one for mumbo, in his opinion.

the dare was to break a machine of grains choice using  one out of a few methods, either tnt, end crystals, breaking it piece by piece or watching grian do it for him. a malicious smirk was stuck to his face as he flew down to mumbos base.

landing softly he sauntered up to the redstoners door,  the sun shone bright and. hazy light was cast on his friends little garden. he wrapped his knuckles on the cold iron and waited patiently- a small smile plastered on his face

a crash was heard from inside, followed by a loud groan. what on earth? grain hurried in, his previous cocky look swiped right off. replaced by that of one filled with concern for his tall friend.

"mumbo? are you alright?"
he called.
a pause.

"yeah, yeah i'm fine don't worry i'll be with you in a sec."
he heard from down the hall

more crashing followed, paired with more groans of annoyance and pain. grian had enough. he stepped down the hall tentatively till he reached the kitchen.  the door was slightly ajar, he pushed it a little.

what a sight. mumbo was covered in pans and lay sprawled out on the floor. his eyes were closed, his eyebrows knitted tightly.

"don't you dare laugh."
he muttered.

grian clamped his hands over his mouth a struggled to hold it in.  he moved one arm around his soft red jumper and folded over. in fits of silent giggles. it looked as if he'd had a fight with his kitchen

"can you please just help me?"
mumbo asked after a few moments.

"yeah of course- just give me a sec."

grian pulled out his phone and took a picture,  that was definitely going to every hermit.

huh one new message from scar.
he clicked on his icon and saw a photo of the two from the other day. his chest  tightened, mumbo had his arms securely round him.   their legs were tangled and mumbos hair was slightly crumpled yet he still looked amazing, his jaw was sharp, and prettier than grian remembered. it was adorable.

he let out an audible gasp. one of mumbos eyes was slightly open. staring straight at the camera. yet mumbo had stayed in that position.

grians heart was now struggling to burst out. a strawberry blush coated his cheeks, he couldn't take his eyes off the photo.  he was practically in a trance.

"grian. i swear to you if you don't help i will hunt you down and drop you down a hole."

that snapped him back in. hurriedly grian rushed to his side and began moving the pots. busying himself with looking at how shiny the pots were as to hide his blush.

eventually mumbo stood up. the rest of the things that were on him  clattered to the ground. mumbo looked at them defeatedly.

"i swear all i wanted was to make a boiled egg."

grian smiled. what a loveable idiot.

"anyway let's pretend that never happened. ah grian what brings you here?"

he chuckled

"i came for your next dare"

"oh no. what is it and look i did not know you had that much of a mess for a sorting system. if i had i would have never set that dare"
mumbo said in an effort to stop whatever scheme grian had cooked up.

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