scar to the rescue

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it had been too long since the redstoner and the builder had spoke. or even been in the same room together. one person had enough of it.

scar scrunched his eyebrows up at mumbo who was helping him with a redstone project. he sat picking grass as the man worked.

he started, mumbo didn't look up.

"grian will be over in about- five minutes. just to catch up as us three"

he tentatively said. mumbo smacked his head on the underside of a fence at the idea. he rubbed his head slowly and stood up. avoiding scars eyes.

"i just remembered i had a really important excuse to use that i need to get to"

mumbo blurted out. he turned to leave but scar grabbed his blazer collar. dragging him back with a sigh

"nope. you two are talking this whole thing out. i and many others are sick of it"

he stated sternly, crossing his arms in finality. mumbos shoulders sagged as he turned to face scar. he held a look of resignation. scar rolled his eyes.

"how long has it been since you spoke to one another?"

there was a long pause as it dawned on the redstoner that it had been over a month.

"a... a while"

scar nodded in acknowledgment.

"well then... that's as much reason as anything to talk again. oh and speak of the devil here he comes"

grian landed with grace, his broad wings folding smoothly behind him.
mumbo couldn't help but watch in admiration at his fluidity.

"hey scar- what's the matter with your newest build?"

the builder asked, searching for an issue and completely missing mumbo in the corner. mumbo watched him closely, he looked tired.


scar said bluntly

"i lied, my builds amazing i just need you two to speak. but actually- i need you two to help me build a good storage system without losing the aesthetic design of the room okay?"

neither of them spoke- not even looking at each other. grian seemed overly interested in his shoes and mumbo chose to look at the lovely clouds above. scar rolled his eyes and beckoned them to follow him. they did so begrudgingly, keeping three meters between them. 
eventually after a few winding corridors scar stopped short. the other two mimicked it.

"okay just place your other items in here so you have enough room for the materials inside"

scar said motioning to a large double
chest. the two complied and walked in to where scar was having issues. as soon as they both stepped into it the door slammed shut behind them. essentially locking them in.

grian instantly went for the door, slamming his hand on it angrily.

"scar don't be a spoon let us out right now"

he yelled

"nope! you two are going to talk about this. there's food and drinks in the corner and two beds. get fucking comfortable"
he said, his voice sounding distant due to the thickness of the door. grian kept smacking the door as if it would help.

eventually he gave up- reasoning scar was long gone. for the first time in months he looked at the redstone builder who was standing awkwardly in the middle of the room.

grian walked past him and began rummaging about in the drawers for the food. he gaped when he saw there was enough for weeks.

he kept looking for one he actually liked and sighed angrily when he saw none.

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