apolgy not exactly accepted?

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grian was starting to worry, he hadn't heard from his redstone friend in two weeks, he hadn't been tending to any of his machines and as much as grian tried to keep them running, many had stopped completely.

grian had sent mumbo a ton of messages and notes or gifts but no response. this was too much, it was just a dare, sure he scared mumbo a bit but it was all just a joke.  he missed mumbos smile and stupid jokes. he missed spending time together. all of this sucked.

he decided to confide in scar.

"i just, why can't he see it as just a joke? why won't he speak to me?"

grian asked, tears threatening to spill. grian had arrived a few minutes ago and filled scar in on what happened since the flirting incident.
now he sat with scar on small rock overlooking a wheat field, the wheat glowed golden in the evening sun.
grian turned to scar his eyes pleading for a answer.
scar swallowed.

"ah- grian... i'm surprised you didn't know this. mumbos deathly afraid of heights, that's why he flies so close to the ground with his elytra. not to mention that does not sound that funny. like dude, that machine took him months. i k or you probably don't want to hear this but i completely get mumbos refusal to talk to you.

"well yeah but he dared me to jump off a cliff into water. i hate water"
grian retorted.

"ok but you're not terrified of water, you just don't like getting your wings wet."
scar answered.

if grian didn't feel bad before now he felt awful.
of course mumbo would be upset over it. especially if he was afraid of heights and grian almost killed him.

"scar i've gotta fix this. how do i fix this?"

grian blurted out quickly.  he realised he had fucked up but he hadn't the faintest clue how to fix this.
scar scratched his head, thinking deeply.

"i have an idea... kinda.., get him some of his favourite presents, try telling him how sorry you are, if u have any redstone use that too."

grian inhaled sharply. he purposefully didn't get mumbo is favourite gifts. in avian culture, bringing someone their favourite things is an intimate action and suggests someone's feelings for the other.

he was sure mumbo didn't know this though, so maybe it would be okay.

"thanks so much scar. i'll tell you how it goes"

grian took off, his wings beating a steady rhythm, leaving scar on the little rock. scar sighed to himself, he hated seeing his friends like this, maybe he should try speaking to mumbo.
a little while away grian sped round looking for all the items he needed.

he got a bouquet of corn flowers, a box of cookies- double chocolate chip- two books on redstone and a small sea shell with beautiful patterns of blue and yellow. grian dropped down at mumbos base.

he placed them in a neat pile, propping up the flowers to prevent them from getting squished. he didn't bother knocking, mumbo wouldn't answer. he then flew to his base to grab all the redstone he had and a ton of slime blocks for good measure. 

returning to mumbos base he saw none of his gifts at the door, although from the corn flowers he had spotted in mumbos window grian guessed mumbo had grabbed them.

he placed a shulker down with all the redstone assorted items and left a small note

dear mumbo,

i'm so sorry, the dare i made and how i did it was horrible. i never meant to hurt you so much. i miss you, please talk to me again. if i can make it up to you in any way. please, please let me know.

lots of love, grian.

grian sighed and turned to leave, stretching out his wings he noticed how dirty they had gotten, he'd need to preen them at some point. not yet, not now.

he flew back to his base and flipped onto his messy  bed. nodding off almost immediately, grian was exhausted from the days events, physically and mentally. the avian was sleeping so heavily he didn't notice mumbo walk in, didn't see the small note placed onto his nightstand, didn't see the redstoner leave, but not before turning the light off.

as the sun rays sifted through the windows grian woke up, cracking his eyes open he looked around his room, freezing when he saw a note next to him, he sat up and rubbed the sleep away from his eyes, then  he began to read.
only six messily scrawled words were there.

i've got a dare for you

does this mean he's forgiven? he doubts it.
getting out of bed grian threw on a new sweater and soared over to mumbos base. he was about to knock when another note caught his eye.

idk ): i don't want mumbo to forgive him too quick so he hasn't.

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