bloody soaking!

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grian leaned forward and stared at the glistening water below. audibly gulping he drew back.

he and mumbo stood on the highest cliff in hermit craft -custom terrain by grian who suddenly wished he had settled for a boulder-
mumbo cleared his throat

"yknow you could back out. no shame in being scared after all"
he said grinning.

grian leaned off again to see his inevitable fate. he spun on his heel to face mumbo, seeing that cocky expression made grians eyes harden. no way would mumbo catch him out on the first dare.

with a smirk playing on his lips and looking much more confident then he actually was; grian lent back and let himself fall.

he felt a small victory when mumbos face contorted to that of shock and concern.
he soon regretted this choice of fall as he looked (up? down?) at the water, coming closer at a violent pace.

clamping his wings to his back as tightly as possible, grian stuck his arms out to dive and braced for impact.


grian fell through the icy water, blind to his surroundings. soon he felt his feet touch on the ground and he launched himself up.

he broke the surface gasping for oxygen, water pooled in his ears and he blinked till he could see. obnoxious laughter could be heard from the shore where a dry and amused mumbo stood.

he doubled over laughing when he saw grians soured face. grian on the other hand was royally pissed. he hurriedly swam to shore before snatching a towel out of a still wheezing mumbo and wrapping himself securely in it.

this. sucked.

grian was fine with getting wet... well he would be if he didn't have wings. those things took hours to dry! not to mention how silly he looked until they did. he looked like a drowned chick.

mumbo calmed down a bit and managed

"i really thought that would trip you instantly! i mean- you hate, HATE getting your wings wet. i'll admit i did not think you would full send so willingly. i had half a mind to chuck you in!"

grian just grumbled begrudgingly. his eye brows knitted and a tight frown on his face. he pushed up his sopping hair to glare daggers at mumbo. who just stood there grinning.

"oh just you wait potato man, you don't know what's gonna hit you."

grian muttered threateningly.

"i mean once i'm dry cause i'm bloody soaking! ugh your so gonna regret this!"

mumbo just kept smiling. undeterred.

"so, what is your master dare? i bet it's soooo scary... what you gonna make me fight the wither? make me kill the ender dragon?"

mumbo asked teasingly

"although very good ideas that would likely get you killed. i have a much worse, more painful one for you!"
grian stated grinning menacingly.
mumbos smile faltered, a shimmer of fear in his eyes.

"i dare you. mumbo jumbo. the red stone god. to.... flirt with..... scar!"

the colour framed from mumbos face, his smile now fully dropped. ah just as grian suspected. he knew his friend like the back of his hand. so knew mumbo was absolutely terrible with socialising. he hated physical touch let alone flirting with someone. grian already planned this bit with scar. told him to go full out when mumbo started and grian could not wait for mumbo to chicken out. it was going to be so satis-



"hey what do you mean easy??? cmon mumbo u really gonna do this??"

ah no this was not the plan. where was pleading mumbo asking for any other dare. grian had not thought this through.

finished another chapter. so proud of myself. i'm sorry for the photo at the top it just cracked me up lol. it's too late for me to give a shit ab if this was grammatically correct or too wordy.

ok have fun bye

ling :)

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