too close for comfort

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grain had been sorting through his boxes for hours, mumbo was sitting at the top of one pile watching him like a hawk, every time grian tried to rest for more than a couple minutes mumbo would drop down and stand there with an amused face.

mumbo would hand grian a small piece of paper with a drawing of a chicken and tap his foot impatiently.
grian would just crumple them drawing up and throw it in a chest. adding to more of the mess.

the red stone had been finished five hours ago courtesy of mumbo who got bored of watching grian so now he just waited for grian to either give up or finish. it was taking forever though.

this was excruciating for grian too, he hated being baby sat and he was bored out of his mind.
it was now mid afternoon, the sun felt softer and crickets were chirping outside, all grian felt like doing was flying through the clouds, skimming oceans and navigating through a thick jungle. not in his house moving everything about.

in grians opinion all his chests were an organised mess. in mumbos opinion it was a monstrosity. a heinous crime.

"uuuuuuuugh mumbo can't we stretch our legs for a bit?"
grian groaned, flopping onto the dark wood floor.

"hmm sure if you can't finish your dare, we can go out right now. maybe catch a few chickens, or maybe we can add more feathers or go to KFC-"

"fine fine i get it. no happiness till i either finish or give up"
grian snapped.

"if your going to be this much of a baby i can help"
mumbo said absentmindedly, stretching from he position on top of the chests.

"are you kidding? why didn't you help before?"

"you never asked"

grian huffed in annoyance before motioning mumbo to come down.
mumbo landed softly next to him and began sorting through chests, just as he emptied a double chests grian pushed him in. mumbo let out a small yelp while grian was laughing wickedly.

that was until mumbo twisted his arm round and grabbed grians hand, pulling him down too.
they landed in the chest with a "thump"
grian still chuckling. he stopped when he noticed his hands on mumbos chest. quickly he moved them to either side of mumbo. who had a stony expression evident on his face.

"grian i can't believe you, such a pesky-"

before mumbo could finish a high pitched squeak could be heard and the chest slammed shut kicking grains back and causing him to fall directly on mumbo. a small click surrounded the two as they were sealed in. it was rather an odd position, mumbo was rather talk so his legs were pulled up and covering most of the bottom space, grians legs were i between his and mumbos arms were practically trapped by his sides. if he moved them he would trap grian in a hug. grians wings were covering most of the top half in the chests, all mumbo could really see were an array of blue gold and red, they looked pretty gold although it was rather dark.

sighing loudly grian muttered

"that was not part of the plan"

"i can't believe this, i was helping you"
mumbo spluttered

"well I wouldn't be here if you didn't yank me down with you"

"so it's my fault is it?"

"yeah. it is."

"oh i'm sorry next time i'll let you trap me in a chest"

"thank you, greatly appreciated"

there was silence before the two burst out laughing.
"i'll call scar shall i?"
mumbo said.

"yeah good plan"

mumbo managed to fish his phone out his pocket with a great deal of effort and pulled up scars contact.
he called scar quickly, told him the situation and scar got lost in a fit of giggles almost instantly. it lasted a good 5 minutes before calming down slight and saying he'd be over in an hour. scar hung up without acknowledging their shouts of protest.

for 20 minutes it was excruciatingly awkward, grian was trying desperately hard not to rest on mumbo, this became more and more difficult, eventually his arms gave out and for the third time he fell directly on the tall man. mumbo laughed when he did and muttered something about chicken arms. grian could feel the humming of his soft laughter in his chest so grian accepted his fate on top of mumbo and relaxed into him.
if mumbo put his arms around grians torso, it was just because of how tight the space was, if mumbo started to run his hands through grians feathers it was down to the fact he was to blame for getting them dirty so he almost owed it to grian to clean them and if grian pushed his head into the crook of mumbos neck then he had to be asleep.

an hour passed and scar had crept in, he unlocked the chest to see the two sound asleep, smiling widely he took a photo before leaving the chest fully open and sneaking back out.

idk needed a little fluff soooo (:

ok bye.

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