She's staying with me

367 15 3

Warning this chapter contains:: swearing

Chris and I talked for the next hour, and he explained he  got anxious, and that's why he gave me a fake name. I got embarrassed and told him it was the exact same reason for me.

He also told me the story behind why I was being called his fiance, and I found it quite sweet that he just wanted to make sure I was safe.

" Lana, can I ask you something " Chris has a look of pain in his eyes which made me hesitant "sure, Chris, ask away" he lets go of my hand while sliding his chair closer.

" When I found you on the tracks, were you trying to well, umm, kill yourself " I just knew he would ask this. A tear trickled down my face. Chris notices, and he quickly but carefully hops on the bed beside me, embarrassing me in a side cuddle ." Shhh, Lana, it's ok, you don't need to answer " he leaves a gentle kiss on my forehead before snuggling into my side a little more.

Usually, I would feel weird hugging a man I had just met, but with Chris, it felt pretty natural. I felt safe. I could feel myself becoming very sleepy, but before I could fall asleep. I had a visitor.

" ahhhh, Lana banana."

Chris's Pov

Lana pushes me away as the doctor arrives. I look over at her, and she seems highly uncomfortable seeing this doctor.

" Hello Lana Banana ", her jaw clenched as he mentioned this name ", hello Bob"; the doctor raised an eyebrow at her response; it was now quite obvious that these two knew each other, especially after the doctor's next response." That's uncle bob to you, missy ".

Lana's eyes turned dark, and she looked like she was about to pounce out of bed and choke him "you lost that privilege when you did what you did to me, you sick fuck ", she went to lunge for him. I quickly sat on the bed, embracing her once again, which seemed to work a charm and calmed her down.

I have to admit tho; I don't know why I was still here. Lana was safe, and I could have been on my way, but something in my mind was telling me to stay.

"Lana, don't fucking talk to me like that; anyway who is this strapping young man " he goes to shake my hand, but I don't let him shake mine just because of the reaction Lana just had towards him. I look to Lana, and she's looking at me as if to ask what do I say, and of course, I decide to play on with my stupid lie.

" I'm her fiancé  Steve Rogers, and if you don't mind, I think I would prefer my soon to be wife   To have another doctor " he looks at me with disgust and whispers something to the nurse that causes them to leave.

He then shuts the door, and I decided this was the best time to stand up, but I was being stopped by Lana pulling me down " Chris, don't " she gives me a look of sadness, and I was going to back down, but I couldn't let this go.

The doctor was soon standing so close to me that I could feel his breath on my face. " Mr Rogers, you have no right to request another doctor. You are only her fiancé, and I'm her uncle. I'm family, and oh, and  I'll be the one looking after her once she leaves the hospital.

Lana soon let's out a bellowing scream, " NO, NO, IM NOT GOING WITH YOU FUCK OFF. GET OUT, YOU SICK  BASTARD DON'T COME ANYWHERE  NEAR ME " tears start running down Lana's face, and she begins to have a panic attack.

Seeing Lana In more distress worries me more. I knew I now needed to get him out of here " now listen here, buddy", I slightly pushed on his shoulders that he is out of my face " I've tried to be nice, but now I'm getting serious. She obviously doesn't want to go with you, so  she will be living with me, and I'll take care of her now as I said before, go get us another doctor before I call the fucking cops.

I turn back to go and try and comfort Lana, but as I face her, she screams out once again, " CHRIS, watch out " I quickly spin around, and all I see is a fist coming straight for my face. I tried to duck, but it was too late; his fist landed straight on the side of my face causing me to crash to the floor.

I hold my face groaning in pain. I looked up to the doctor, who was now smirking at Lana " Lana, Lana, lana, better keep your man on his leash before showing him to mummy and daddy. Oh, and mr Rogers, you will get sick of little old Lana, and you will find out she really is such a fuck up, and you should of let that train hit her "

More tears run down Lana's face, and his words cause me to become very pissed off. He goes to walk off out the door, but I manage to stop him " hey fuckwit ", as he turns, and I repeat his action and punch him straight in the nose

" now, get the fuck out of my fiancé's room."

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