Letters of goodbye

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Warning this chapter contains: swearing

Lana's pov

It had been a few days staying with Chris, and I loved being able to get up and walk around instead of laying around in that damn uncomfortable hospital.

Today I decided it was time to go back to my apartment to grab the essentials as I had been wearing the same clothes since the accident. I make my way down the stairs to be greeted by dodger jumping all over me. I tried to crouch down to pat him, but it was too much pain on my neck " bubba be gentle with Lana. She is in a lot of pain " I jump back in fright at Chris sneaking up behind the both of us suddenly " fuck Chris, you scared the shit out of me ", I say while slapping his chest with my non-broken hand

Chris lets out a chesty laugh while assisting me to the couch " sorry Lana, I didn't mean to scare you. I tried to look for you upstairs, and you weren't there " he grabs my feet and places them on his lap and then places a blanket over me " uh yeah Chris I actually came downstairs looking for you " he raises an eyebrow " oh yeah what's up Lana " he turns the tv on to some random Channel before returning his focus back to me " well I was thinking if it's ok would you be able to take me to my apartment so I can grab some essentials " I finish my sentence before letting out a huge yawn.

" Lana, of course, we can do that. I'm sure you want to change out of those clothes, but first, you need sleep, so close those eyes of yours and have a nap, and when you wake up, I'll drive you to yours, " I huff and try and argue with him, but he just gives me a serious stern look" no arguments missy " he changes the channel putting the channel on Disney movies which were playing the little mermaid.

Another yawn escapes my mouth, and I decide to listen to Chris and take a small nap " fine, Chris, but please wake me up in about an hour. I want to shower", he nods before getting more comfortable. Soon the tiredness takes over me, and before I know it, I was fast asleep.

3 hours later
My eyes bolt open, and I expect to see Chris, but instead, I see dodger fast asleep on my legs." Uhhh, you're awake. It's been three hours " I quickly jolt, causing dodger to jump off me in fright and cause pain to my neck " Chris, you promised you would wake me up after an hour " Chris rushes over to me, helping me up slowly " Lana you needed sleep so I let you sleep but like I promised I will now take you to your place."

Chris helps me all the way into his car, and he runs around, jumping into the driver's seat " ok, so Lana, tell me the way".

Chris's pov

We arrive at Lana's place. I slowly help her all the way up to her front door, and from there, she lets herself in,  " just make yourself at home; Chris, ill just go grab some stuff and then we can go ". I give her a small smile " no rush Lana " she then disappears, leaving me alone to explore.

I walked over to the lounge, where on the table was a half-drunken bottle of alcohol and four envelopes with different names on them. I looked around to see there was no sign of Lana and when I knew it was clear I picked up the envelope that was marked mum and dad and opened it.

Mum and dad

I never thought I'd be writing this letter to you guys, but the time has come
I have to admit it's hard for me to look you guys in the eyes. I'm actually scared of the both of you because anytime I get into trouble or do something wrong, you guys yell and scream and look at me like I'm some kind of monster
Because of this, I feel scared to tell you guys anything, and I feel this decision is the best thing for you guys
Mum dad I'm saying goodbye you will no longer need to be disappointed in me as tonight I'll be jumping in front of the 12 am train

No matter what, I love you both so much. Just know that

A tear ran down my cheek. I couldn't believe Lana was in so much pain that she felt she had to kill herself I couldn't imagine what would of happened if I wasn't there to save her

" what the fuck are you doing "

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