He is who...

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Lana's pov
"Scottttt, I don't need a babysitter " Scott plops himself down on the couch beside me " hey, hey, I'm not babysitting. I'm your friend, and I'm just here for a nice old movie day "  I knew the truth; Chris had to go back to work today and didn't want me alone, so he invited Scott " yeah, friend, right " I say in a blunt tone.

Scott gives my shoulder a slight slap" ow, what was that for " he raises an eyebrow " just because I'm your husband slash boyfriend's brother doesn't mean we can't be friends; I would even consider us besties" Scott's use of the word boyfriend makes me cringe.

"Yes, he may be my fake husband, but he isn't my boyfriend, and once I'm better, I'll be out of your hair anyway. What movie shall we watch " I quickly try and change the subject, but Scott doesn't it pass ." Lana, why do you find it so hard to believe that people want you around like Chris and I ".

I sigh, knowing I would have to explain everything "well. "


"Lana, you said you would pay for my lunch. "Lana looks into her wallet, seeing the last 10 dollars ." I have paid the last few times. Isn't it your turn " Lana asks innocently

Her friend didn't care for her answer " Lana, seriously, don't have an attitude with me. You know I don't have the money now, just fucking pay" her friend gives her a slight push causing Lana to fall to the floor and hit her face on the cold cement floor. The whole goes dead silent because of the accident they had just witnessed.

Lana sits herself up, and that's when the blood comes gushing from both her nose and lip " fucking hell Lana why do you have to be so embarrassing? This is why everyone is only friends with you because of your money."

End of flashback

Tears run down my face as all the memories come flooding back " Lana, that's horrible " Scott opens his arms and traps me in a hug " Lana, I promise you, Chris, or I would never use you for money or hurt you. It's actually one of Chris's major hates. He doesn't want someone to use him for money anyway, I think I have the perfect movie for us to watch.

Scott clicks on the Disney plus app and heads straight for the marvel section " let's watch some captain America even tho you have probably already seen it " I look at Scott in slight confusion "what's captain America " Scott's mouth drops open, and he clicks play instantly.

The movie is about 20 minutes in, and I felt there was something familiar about the Steve character, and that's when it clicked

"Wait, is that Chris "

Scott's pov
It had been about half an hour since Lana had found out Chris was an actor, and I thought she was handling it well. Well, it was until she went completely silent.

When it hit half an hour of silence, I knew it was time to call Chris


C: Scott, what's up I've only got a small break from filming

S: um, about that, so Lana and I were talking
And I thought  I would show
Her captain America


S: yes, I realise that now. Umm well she
She knows now, and she has been silent for half an hour

C: Scott, I'll be home in 20 minutes
Just keep an eye on her for me

Before Chris hung up the phone, I explained to him what Lana had told me about what her friend did to her, and this made Chris worry even more and hang up the phone quicker.

Lana's pov

Chris is captain America Chris is an actor. I was trying not to have a panic attack, but one thing I knew was I couldn't stay here anymore.

I rushed around the room, packing the clothes I thought were necessary, but I was suddenly interrupted by a knock at the door. My brain was still freaking out; I thought it was Scott " Scott, I'll be out in a second.

I continue to pack " Lana, what are you doing " my heart feels like it's jumping out of its chest suddenly by  Chris speaking. "Chris, you scared the shit out of me " I turn around to see Chris with a giant bouquet of flowers.

 "Chris, you scared the shit out of me " I turn around to see Chris with a giant bouquet of flowers

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" sorry Lana, I didn't mean to, so um, Scott told me what you found out. Can we talk " I give him a slight nod and walk over and sit on the bed. He then once again notices me packing " Lana, why are you packing. "

I look away in disappointment " um, well, I was going to leave " I was too afraid to see Chris's reaction, so I don't bother looking up ." Lana look at me please " a deep breath leaves my mouth, and it takes everything for me to look up but when I do I see a very teary eyed Chris

"Lana, please don't leave me " I don't say anything  but instead pull Chris into a hug

"Chris, you could have any girl. You're an actor, and I'm just some girl from nowhere, " Chris sighs. "Lana, this is why I didn't tell you who I was because I liked that you just knew Chris and me for Chris, and I've never felt so comfortable with just being Chris; usually, I have to be this big movie star guy ".

I place my hands on Chris's cheeks "  I  like the Chris that jumped in front of the train for me and is letting me live in his house and who I'm fake engaged to all to save me from my uncle. I don't know who this movie star Chris is, and I wouldn't trade my Chris for the world " one of Chris's eyebrows raises slightly " what " I say, confused and removing my hands from his face " the eyebrow is soon accompanied by a smirk.

"Oh nothing, you just said your Chris " my cheeks suddenly burn up with embarrassment " uh, well, I didn't -" My sentence is soon cut off  by Chris smashing his lips against mine

He slightly moves his face, so just our foreheads touch " I like my Lana too and wouldn't want any other Lana oh I ahh got you these " he presents me with flowers which are gorgeous " Chris, these are beautiful what are they for "

Chris giggles " well, I was uh wondering do you want to be my girlfriend officially, and would you want to go on a date with me " a huge grin appears on my face " Chris, I would love to be your girlfriend, and I would definitely love to go on a date with you.

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