x marks the spot

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"I don't know Noda, I think there's something serious that Pakuyo-san isn't telling us about your mark." Max finally said sternly.

He rested his chin in his right palm as he often did when he was thinking hard about something, I could tell he was really concerned. I sighed. I was too of course but I couldn't decide what I was more worried about, Pakuyo-san or my mark. Has Pakuyo been lying to us? I've always been extremely anxious to find out what my mark would awaken into or if it would even awaken at all, so it was demoralizing to see his negative reaction. My sword is so freaking cool though! It's huge, bigger than me but for some reason it feels weightless. The night of the training incident I practiced pulling my blade out at will when I finally made it home and I actually got to take a good look at it.

It stood at above 6 feet in height and radiates the perfect shade of grey from the tip of it's slightly curved razor sharp blade, all the way to the hilt that was slightly curved towards the wielder. When I looked closer I noticed at the base you could see 4 white slashes as if an animal had scratched the blade. When it appeared, the power I felt surging through me felt unlike anything I had ever felt before, my speed and attack power were increased and the battle seemed clearer to me. I'd say it's not too long before I catch up to Max.

"What should we do? I say we follow him after school steak out style!" I said half jokingly. Max snapped his head towards me, causing his hand to hit his desk with a loud thud.

     "Max that was a-"

Out of no where Max grabbed my hand and stood up causing people in the class to turn their heads and rushed towards the door.
"Max what are you doing?" I asked.

We emerged into the empty hallway where Max pushed me against the lockers and gave me a gaze that was full of life. He gave me that look that usually means he's going to do something dumb that I'll be forced to tag along with, that could possibly lead to our tragic and untimely deaths. I hate that look.

     "Noda you're a genius! You read my mind!" Max said finally.

     "Max you're being weird! What are you talking about?" I questioned.

"We definitely have to follow him after school!" Pakuyo-san has taken care of us since we were kids but think, we haven't been to his house even once."  he said.

He had a point. Even though Pakuyo was the legal guardian of Max, Kaori and I, we don't live with him. Miraculously approved by the government, we three share 2 apartments, one for Max and one for Kaori and I. Every Sunday Pakuyo-san comes and delivers groceries and any other necessities we may need, he's really a great man and better father figure which is why I feel dirty going behind his back and following him.

"We can't just follow him around like the police or something moron! Why do you even assume he's lying to us?" I asked.

"Noda it isn't like that, you know I idolize Pakuyo-san more than anyone but this is a serious matter that could spell trouble for you and Kaori." he said. "Let's just go ask Zee-chan what she thinks."  

"Fine, I haven't seen her today anyway." I decided.

Ms. Z or Zee-chan to us, was the school librarian and our best friend even though she was adult in her early 30s. I could tell her anything because she knew anything, she's the only person I know that's smarter than Kaori. She's helped me with countless issues whether they be school related, friends/guy related or even that one time when she started talking about the birds and the bees ugh. 

We made our way down the long hallway until we reached a set of large wooden double doors that appeared as if you could reach Hogwarts if you open them, with the large word LIBRARY engraved above it in a brownish metal. Max pulled the old creeky doors open with a forceful heave and I was immediately hit with familiar smell of thousands of old books. In the library there were bookshelves that soared at least 20 feet in the air, filled to the brim with books older than me.

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